RC03 - European Unification

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30Jul 2018

List of newly elected members of the IPSA RC03 Executive Board

We are pleased to announce and introduce the newly elected members of our IPSA RC03 Executive Board:

  1. Hans-Jörg Trenz (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Chair  
  2. Sophie Meunier (Princeton University, US) Vice-Chair
  3. Daniela Vintila (University of Liege, Belgium) Vice-Chair and Secretary
  4. Adam Szymański (University of Warsaw, Poland)
  5. Benjamin Zyla (University of Ottawa, Canada)
  6. Francesco Violi (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK)
  7. Tamara Tubakovic (University of Melbourne, Australia)
  8. Charlotte Galpin (University of Birmingham, UK)

We wish them all the best for the new mandate!

We would also like to thank the following colleagues for their outstanding service as Board members during the previous term: Carlos Closa (Spanish National Research Council); Philomena Murray (University of Melbourne); Amy Verdun (University of Victoria); Yvonne Galligan (Queen’s University Belfast); Ken Endo (Hokkaido University); Hans-Jörg Trenz (University of Copenhagen); Simona Piattoni (University of Trento); Daniela Vintila (University of Liege); Hartmut Mayer (University of Oxford); Adam Szymański (University of Warsaw); Przemysław Biskup (University of Warsaw).

11Jul 2018

Business meeting of the IPSA RC03 - IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Brisbane

Dear members of the IPSA Research Committee on European Unification (IPSA RC03),

We would like to kindly invite you to the next business meeting of our RC to be held on the 24th of July 2018 from 12:45 to 13:45 in Room Foyer/Q4-T12 in Brisbane. The meeting will be chaired by Prof Carlos Closa. We hope this will be an excellent opportunity for us to meet again and exchange ideas regarding this Research Committee.

The agenda of the meeting will be circulated soon. Should you wish to add items relevant for the discussion, please contact Daniela Vintila.

We look forward to seeing you in Brisbane

18May 2018

Discussant for the IPSA RC03 panel on “Euroscepticism beyond the crisis”

We are looking for discussants for this IPSA RC03 panel on “Euroscepticism beyond the crisis”. https://wc2018.ipsa.org/events/congress/wc2018/panel/euroscepticism-beyond-crisis

If you are interested, please contact Prof. Duncan McDonnell (d.mcdonnell@griffith.edu.au)

10Apr 2018

List of IPSA RC03 Panels- 25th World Congress of Political Science, July 21-25, 2018 | Brisbane, Australia

08Feb 2018

Call for applications: 8th Berlin Summer School in Social Science-Linking Theory and Empirical Research (July 16 - 26, 2018)

The "Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences – Linking Theory and Empirical Research" seeks to promote young researchers by strengthening their methodological understanding in linking theory and empirical research. What role does theory play in empirical research? The importance of theoretical reflection for the guidance of empirical inquiry and for scientific innovation is widely acknowledged in the social sciences. But how can we systematically describe the dynamic relationship between theory and data? While it is common sense in the social sciences that theory plays a crucial role in shaping our perspectives on and our interpretations of the empirical reality, the concrete application of theories in new research projects is a task which is far from trivial. It involves not only an intimate acquaintance with the diverse theories of relevance for a certain field of study, but it also requires competence and creativity for their adjustment to specific empirical contexts and sensitivity for the methodological implications, theoretical choices and decisions for the analysis of empirical data. A research methodology which links theories and empirical analysis has to take into account these challenges.

“Clearing the underbrush” (Bevir) of research methodology and explicitly tackling the linking of empirical data to the wide range of theories is the main focus of the Berlin Summer School. The program is characterized by a varied format comprising lectures, workshops, seminars, and one-to-one consultations. During the summer school, participants will also have the opportunity to present and discuss their own work extensively. Participants will be provided with hands-on advice for their research designs.

The school brings together a faculty of renowned international and Berlin-based scholars. Among the confirmed international lecturers are Donatella della Porta (Scuola Normale Superiore), Steve Fleetwood (University of the West of England, Bristol), Macartan Humphreys (Columbia University/ WZB Berlin), Nikita Dhawan (University of Innsbruck), Staffan Lindberg (University of Gothenburg), and Hendrik Wagenaar (University of Sheffield).

The international summer school is open to up to 60 PhD candidates, advanced master students, and young postdocs. The call for applications is currently open. Applications can be submitted online via the application form on the summer school webpage until March 31, 2018. The decisions of the selection committee will be announced to the applicants in April. For more information: https://www.berlinsummerschool.de/program/overview/

25Jan 2018

Call for applications: 3 positions available in Research Group on legitimation strategies of regional organizations, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies

The GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien an independent social-science research institute based in Hamburg is offering the following three positions as part of a Leibniz Junior Research Group on “Sources and Consequences of Legitimation Strategies of Regional Organizations” headed by Prof. Dr. Tobias Lenz:

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Research Fellow to work on regional legitimacy crises (doctoral position)

Research Fellow to work on the normative foundations of regional organisations (doctoral position)

For further information, please visit Prof. Lenz’s website (www.tobiaslenz.org) or contact him directly (email: tobias.lenz@giga-hamburg.de, phone: +49 (0)40 – 428 25 765). 

28Sep 2017

CfP IPSA World Congress Brisbane 2018- Panel: “Differentiated integration in the European Union – Consequences for Relations with Neighbours”

Call for papers

IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Brisbane, 21-26 July 2018

Panel title: Differentiated integration in the European Union – Consequences for Relations with Neighbours 

Panel description: There are many interesting processes under way in the European Union nowadays. One of them is the development of differentiated integration, including the emerging division into the core and circles (or centre and peripheries). The process has gained in political weight when the member states began to look for the ways out of the euro crisis and the Brexit issue became a reality. It has consequences not only for the members of the EU but also for its relations with the third countries, particularly its neighbours. The main goal of the panel is to take a close look at the impact of the differentiated integration on the EU policies concerning its neighbours – i.e. the enlargement policy and two dimensions of the European Neighbourhood Policy as well as the relations with other EU neighbours including Russia as well as EEA countries, Switzerland and in the future possibly also the United Kingdom.

Many interesting issues are worth discussing here. Historically, we can talk about some concepts of the European integration being actually the first theoretical models of the external differentiated integration (e.g. “the concentric circles”). The crucial question is which concepts can be taken into consideration by working out the models of the external differentiated integration nowadays. Can the old proposals be refreshed and adjusted to the current situation or is it time for new ideas? Actually, there are some models of the external differentiated integration working already in the case of many EU neighbours and their relationships with the EU. However, it is worth investigating the possible development of these models in the future. It is not a purely theoretical question. The current enlargement policy and the ENP are in a crisis. The prospect of accession of new countries to the EU is very uncertain. The ENP is not effective at all. The EU is losing its influence on the neighbourhood. The question is if the development of new or modified models of the external differentiated integration can be a kind of solution to these problems. The differentiation dynamics points to the inadequacy of conceiving the EU membership in binary (zero - one) terms. In this context, the differentiated integration seems to constitute an opportunity for the stalled enlargement policy, especially when it comes to Turkey. Maybe the new models of differentiated integration can contribute also to revitalization of the relationship between the EU and ENP partners, to improve the relations with Russia and to build a new model of cooperation with the UK after Brexit. 

These and many more questions will be posed within the panel organised within the RC03 – European Unification. Welcomed are paper proposals of young and experienced scholars, dealing with both theoretical and empirical aspects of the aforementioned topics. Single case studies and comparative analyses are equally acceptable.


If you are interested in participating in the panel, please, send the paper proposal including the title and short abstract (up to 250 words) to Prof. Adam Szymanski, ar.szymanski@uw.edu.pl by 1 October 2017. You will be notified by 3 October 2017 whether your proposal has been accepted to the panel. Please, bear in mind that you will have also to submit the paper proposal to the IPSA website by signing in your individual IPSA account by 10 October 2017. 

15Sep 2017

CfP IPSA World Congress Brisbane 2018- Panel: “Institutional mimesis or instrumental rationalism? Rights-based supranational citizenship in regional integration organizations”

CfP IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Brisbane 2018

Panel title: “Institutional mimesis or instrumental rationalism? Rights-based supranational citizenship in regional integration organizations”

Panel chairs: Prof Carlos Closa (IPP, Spanish National Research Council) and Dr Daniela Vintila (CEDEM, University of Liege)

Panel description: Despite its apparent singularity, the EU citizenship is not the only case of supranational construction of rights within a regional organization. Other organizations such as MERCOSUR, CAN, UNASUR or ECOWAS have created a set of rights (free movement, social, political or economic entitlements) that compose a similar configuration of supranational citizenship. There are several reasons for which regional organizations could decide to grant citizens’ rights at the supranational level. First, rational choice theory argues that actors choose instrumentally those policies that are more suitable for their political objectives. Drawing on this rationale, the institutionalization of supranational citizenship could respond to the functional needs of certain organizations of deepening into regional cooperation beyond a purely economic rationale; and it could further strengthen their democratic component by boosting their legitimacy towards the people they represent (vertical legitimacy) and other organizations sharing similar integration objectives (horizontal legitimacy). Secondly, diffusion theory suggests that organizations often tend to adopt or replicate certain policies in the attempt to mimic their peers. Yet, diffusion does not mean a literal translation of the diffused policies as the later often decouple themselves from the original model when entering the environment of the receiving organization. This panel examines the reasons behind these institutional configurations of rights-based citizenship in regional organizations, also paying attention to the patterns of domestic implementation of specific sets of rights. Comparative papers that question the singularity/commonality among these forms of citizenship, especially when compared to the EU case, are particularly welcome.

The paper proposals should be sent via email to Carlos Closa (carlos.closa@csic.es) and Daniela Vintila (Daniela.Vintila@ulg.ac.be) by 1st of October 2017 (midnight GMT). The paper proposals should include the title of the paper (no more than 25 words) and the abstract (no more than 350 words). For more information about the congress, please visit: https://wc2018.ipsa.org/events/congress/wc2018/home

22Dec 2016

CfP International Conference "Rethinking governance in an era of global insecurities, regional tensions and rising nationalism", July 17-19, University of Melbourne

Call for Papers International Conference "Rethinking governance in an era of global insecurities, regional tensions and rising nationalism", July 17-19, University of Melbourne: http://www.eucentre.unimelb.edu.au/events/rethinking-governance/

The  study  of  regional  governance  has  gained  momentum  in  recent  years.  The  European  Union,  often  regarded  as  the  preeminent  regional  body  is  perceived  as  not  only  being  in  crisis  but  on  the  verge  of  disintegration.  At  the  same  time,  regional  bodies  such  as  the  Association  of  Southeast  Asian  Nations  (ASEAN)  have  been  seeking  to  deepen  their  patterns  of  regional  cooperation,  though  also  experiencing  challenges  with  the  process  of  regional  integration.  Emerging  powers  in  the  global  context  and  shifting  power  dynamics  of  the  US  and  China  suggest  greater  complexity  in  tackling  global  challenges.  The  uncertainly  following  the  election  of  Donald  Trump as the next US President, the  shifting  power  dynamics  of  Russia  and  China,  and  rising  populism  all  point  to insecurities  at  the regional  and  national levels.

In the face of a strategic shift in the balance of power in international relations, might regional cooperation provide a means to manage global challenges? How might territorial disputes, nationalism, Brexit, a US ‘retreat’ and populism be tackled? These and other issues will be examined and rigorously debated. The conference is open to academics, policy makers and practitioners from across discipline areas and to interested members of the public.

Themes to be examined at the conference will include:

  1. Brexit and beyond
  2. The power of populism and nationalism
  3. Tackling global challenges: Regional solutions?
    1. Climate change
    2. Terrorism
    3. Poverty and development
    4. Refugee crisis
  4. Security, instability and conflict
  5. The EU-Australia relationship
  6. Global trade and contestation
  7. Economic crises and wealth disparities
  8. Drivers of integration and disintegration in regional bodies
  9. Assessing the EU Global Strategy
  10. Awkward states in regionalism

The EU Centre is now accepting panel proposals and papers. Submit by 20 February 2017 to Prof Philomena Murray, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam and EU Centre Research Director, Regional Governance.
Email: pbmurray@unimelb.edu.au


22Sep 2016

Call for Papers EUSA Fifteenth Biennial Conference, May 4-6 2017, Miami

Call for Papers EUSA Fifteenth Biennial Conference, May 4-6 2017, Miami

Panel: “Rights and belonging: EU citizenship and other configurations of supranational citizenship”

Chair: Prof Carlos Closa (Spanish National Research Council)

Abstract: Despite its apparent singularity, the EU citizenship is not the only case of supranational construction of rights and belonging within a regional organization. Other organizations such as Mercosur, CAN, Unasur or Ecowas have created a set of rights that together compose a similar configuration of supranational citizenship and, at the same time, they have also developed a narrative on the sense of “belonging” to the regional group. This panel examines this diversity of institutional configurations from two dominant (although not exclusive) approaches. On the one hand, comparative perspectives will allow to question the singularity/commonality among these forms of citizenship and, in this sense, the panel will contribute to the more general discussion on EU comparability. On the other hand, supranational citizenship offers an excellent empirical ground for a new test of the theoretical debate between functionalist and diffusionist approaches to the design of institutions (i.e. has EU citizenship inspired the creation of other models of supranational citizenship or do these respond to autonomous functional needs?). The panel welcomes papers focusing on the aggregate level (i.e. conceptions of supranational citizenship and the host of rights comprised there within), disaggregate level (i.e. configurations of specific set of supranational rights) or the national level (i.e. national implementation of specific rights).

The abstract of the paper proposals (max. 500 words; please include title, name and institutional affiliation) should be sent via email to Prof Carlos Closa: carlos.closa@csic.es. The deadline for submitting the paper proposals is Monday, 26th of September 2016.

31Aug 2016

"Secession from a Member State and EU Membership: the View from the Union" by Carlos Closa

 Carlos Closa (2016). Secession from a Member State and EU Membership: the View from the Union. European Constitutional Law Review, 12, pp 240-264. doi:10.1017/S1574019616000146.

Abstract: Arguments in favour of a more explicit and clearer EU stance on secession from a member state – two different cases for secession and their implications – the inadmissibility of unilateral secession within the EU – consensual secession does not create a legal entitlement for automatic membership – the need to follow the route of Article 49 TEU – no need for a specific secession provision in EU treaties


17Aug 2016

Members of the IPSA RC03 Executive Board

During the 25th World Congress of Political Science held in Brisbane (Australia), the members of IPSA RC03 elected a new Executive Board for the term 2018-2020. The new members are:

  1. Hans-Jörg Trenz (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Chair  
  2. Sophie Meunier (Princeton University, US) Vice-Chair
  3. Daniela Vintila (University of Liege, Belgium) Vice-Chair and Secretary
  4. Adam Szymański (University of Warsaw, Poland)
  5. Benjamin Zyla (University of Ottawa, Canada)
  6. Francesco Violi (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK)
  7. Tamara Tubakovic (University of Melbourne, Australia)
  8. Charlotte Galpin (University of Birmingham, UK)


Former board members (term 2016-2018): Carlos Closa (Spanish National Research Council, IPP-CSIC, Spain); Philomena Murray (University of Melbourne, Australia); Amy Verdun (University of Victoria, Canada); Yvonne Gallighan (Queen’s University Belfast, UK); Ken Endo (Hokkaido University, Japan); Hans-Jörg Trenz (University of Copenhagen, Denmark); Simona Piattoni (University of Trento, Italy); Daniela Vintila (University of Leicester, UK); Hartmut Mayer (University of Oxford, UK); Adam Szymański (University of Warsaw, Poland); Przemysław Biskup (University of Warsaw, Poland)

12Aug 2016

Our mission

The Research Committee investigates all issues related to the process of European integration and EU politics. This comprises inter alia theories of integration, public policy in the EU, multilevel governance, EU legitimacy and democracy, etc. Necessarily, the group keeps a pluralistic epistemological and methodological attitude and contributions from different approaches are always welcome. A basic tenet of the RC03 is that the study of EU integration, policies and politics can be approached from the conceptual, methodological and epistemological tools provided by political science sub-disciplines, such as comparative politics or political theory. This presupposes an open attitude to cooperate with other IPSA RCs. Moreover, the study of regional integration is not a phenomenon limited to Europe: similar processes can be identified elsewhere and, because of this, the RC stimulates engaging with comparative regionalism.

15Jul 2016

Message from the IPSA RC03 Chair: Important meeting in Poznań- July 27, Poznań Congress Center, Pavilion 14 (PCC-14) - 3.B

Dear members of IPSA RC03 and participants in the 2016 RC03 Sessions at the IPSA World Congress,

The time for the IPSA World Congress is approaching fast and I am looking forward to meet all of you there. RC03 will hold a business meeting on the 27th July, at 15:30, in Poznań Congress Center, Pavilion 14 (PCC-14) - 3.B. You are all invited to attend this important meeting.

RC03 needs to renew its Executive Board. Currently, the EB of RC03 consists of Chair (Carlos Closa) Vice-Chair (Amy Verdum) and six members (Sergio Fabbrini, Yvonne Galligan, Berthold Rittberger, Thomas Christiansen, Sophie Meunier Aitsahalia, Ken Endo, Caroline della Porte and Philomena Murray). Anyone who volunteers for servicing at the Board, please, let me know (dropping an email). RC03 membership changes between each WC, so please, bear in mind that members of the EB are expected, at a minimum, to attend the next WC to be held in 2018 in Australia and to organize at least a panel there. Please, do also bear in mind that these are not paid positions and no travel or events budget is available under RC03.

Looking forward to meet all of you in Poznan,

Carlos Closa.

15Jul 2016

List of IPSA RC03 Panels- 24th World Congress of Political Science, July 23-28, 2016 | Poznań, Poland

List of IPSA RC03 Panels- 24th World Congress of Political Science, Poznań 2016:

15Jul 2016

REMINDER: Registration Deadline for Research Methods Courses - July 15

This is the final reminder for those who are interested in Research Method Courses (RMC). The extended registration deadline is July 15, 2016.

Registration details are available on  Research Method Courses page. One-day research methods courses (RMC) will be offered on July 23, the day before the IPSA World Congress at the Morasko Campus of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. These courses offer state of the art information about recent advances in research methods in different fields. They should bring together both junior and senior scholars interested in these fields and their recent developments enhancing their respective research networks.

15Jul 2016

New Options on the IPSA Profile: Membership Status

We are pleased to announce that the IPSA online profile now features new options. From now on, you can consult the IPSA online profile section marked “My Membership”/ “Status & Benefits” to find the following:

  • Membership status: See what type of membership you have and when it expires;
  • See if you are subscribed to the International Political Science Abstracts and print versions of World Political Science and the International Political Science Review;
  • Consult your membership receipt;
  • See all your member benefits and access publisher discounts;Get your exclusive course code for the IPSAMOOCS.
  • http://www.ipsa.org/news/news/new-options-ipsa-profile-membership-status

25Mar 2016

BOOK: "Reinforcing Rule of Law Oversight in the European Union" by Carlos Closa and Dimitry Kochenov

This book provides the definitive reference point on all the issues pertaining to dealing with the 'crisis of the rule of law' in the European Union. Both Member State and EU levels are considered. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the concrete legal bases and instruments that the EU may avail itself of for enforcing rule of law, and the volume clearly demonstrates that a number of legally sound ways of rule of law oversight are available. Contributors are leading scholars who assess the potential role to be played by the various bodies in the context of dealing with the EU's rule of law imperfections.


  • Contains a clear catalogue of all the key means available to boost member state's compliance with the rule of law, appealing to scholars and policy-makers studying the issues of rule of law enforcement in the EU
  • Includes contributions from the foremost specialists in rule of law enforcement, giving readers access to the most relevant and informed research
  • Boasts a clear and balanced analysis, tailored to solve the problems outlined, and discusses concrete solutions for the practical problems the EU is facing

25Mar 2016

Poznań will host the 24th IPSA World Congress of Political Science

The IPSA Executive Committee has selected the historic city of Poznań as the new host city for the 24th IPSA World Congress of Political Science to be held at the Poznań Congress Center from 23 to 28 of July, 2016. It will be the first IPSA World Congress to be held in Eastern Europe.


Please note that the main theme of the Congress will not change and all accepted panels and papers will be maintained in what is an outstanding Congress Program.

Congress Registration

Early-bird registration for WC2016 is available until April 13. ALL participants, including session chairs, panel chairs, discussants and paper givers, must register to attend the congress. All participants must be IPSA members in order to register.

Registration details are available on the IPSA Congress registration page.

Refund Policy

All cancellations must be sent in writing to the IPSA Secretariat at wc2016@ipsa.org

If you completed your registration before 25 February 2016 and no longer wish to attend the Congress, we will refund 100% of your registration fee.
Please note: membership fees are non-refundable. New and renewed membership will continue to be valid, even if registration to the World Congress is cancelled.

The regular Refund Policy will apply to registrations completed after 25 February 2016.


Please check with your airline for options on cancellation or change of destination. Your credit card provider may also offer Trip Cancellation insurance. Unfortunately, IPSA is unable to offer refunds for flights that have already been booked to Istanbul.

Cancellations and Withdrawals

If you can no longer participate in the IPSA World Congress and wish to withdraw your name from the program, please notify us by sending an email to wc2016@ipsa.org

25Mar 2016

Jean Monnet Module at the Law School of UCLan Cyprus under the Erasmus+ programme 2014-2020

UCLan Cyprus is happy to announce the commencement of a Jean Monnet Module entitled "The Law of Financial and Economic Governance in the EU" run by Dr. Stéphanie Laulhé Shaelou of the School of Law as Module Leader and Academic Coordinator. The University was among the successful candidates selected by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Union to run Jean Monnet Activities at prestigious institutions in the field of European integration around the world for the period 2014-2017. It is also the first time that a Jean Monnet Module is offered by a law school in Cyprus. The Module aims at developing a specialised and unique focus in EU law, within the framework of the LLM curriculum delivered by the School of Law. This focus will be based primarily upon research-informed teaching on the law and governance of finance and economic policy in the EU, in the global and multidimensional context of the financial and sovereign debt crisis in the EU and beyond, and will promote an interdisciplinary approach. New technologies will be used throughout and include a whole range of online support tools available on campus and remotely. This module will also give the opportunity to students, professionals and the wider public to take part in expert seminars, guest lectures, roundtable discussions and a conference on the topic, as well as to contribute to an open access online platform, to be created and supported by the Module.


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