15Jul 2016
REMINDER: Registration Deadline for Research Methods Courses - July 15
01:17 - By Daniela Vintila - News and events
This is the final reminder for those who are interested in Research Method Courses (RMC). The extended registration deadline is July 15, 2016.
Registration details are available on Research Method Courses page. One-day research methods courses (RMC) will be offered on July 23, the day before the IPSA World Congress at the Morasko Campus of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. These courses offer state of the art information about recent advances in research methods in different fields. They should bring together both junior and senior scholars interested in these fields and their recent developments enhancing their respective research networks.
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Fuzzy Sets by Prof. Carsten Schneider
- Process Tracing Methods by Prof. Rasmus Brun Pedersen
- Comparative Survey Research Analysis by Prof. Bruno Cautrès
- https://wc2016.ipsa.org/events/congress/wc2016/news/reminder-registration-deadline-research-methods-courses-july-15