RC03 - European Unification

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CfP RC03 IPSA Work in Progress Sessions (IPSA-WiPS) Panel: The EU's Geo-Economic Turn: Exploring the Renewal of Trade and Foreign Policy

Call for Papers for the Panel “The EU's Geo-Economic Turn: Exploring the Renewal of Trade and Foreign Policy” organised by Dealan Riga for the IPSA Work in Progress Sessions (IPSA-WiPS) (4-6 December 2024, online via Zoom).

Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 25 October 2024. Submit your proposal via this link: https://www.wips2024.ipsa.org/inscricoes/capa. In the “Panel” field, select the option “(RC03) The EU's Geo-Economic Turn: Exploring the Renewal of Trade and Foreign Policy”.

Find out more about the panel here: https://www.wips2024.ipsa.org/simposio/view?ID_SIMPOSIO=30

Panel Abstract: Over the past few years, the European Union (EU) has faced growing challenges such as weaponization of trade interdependence, the diffusion of global power, and the resurgence of great power politics. These external pressures have significantly impacted the EU, prompting the announcement of a Geopolitical Commission, a renewed foreign policy toolbox, and a more assertive approach to global trade. Academic debate has increasingly focused on the EU's geo-economic turn and the emergence of new avenues for external policy. However, further discussion is needed to fully understand the broader implications of the EU’s evolving role in global affairs. This panel seeks to explore the renewal of the EU’s external policy, focusing both on its evolving trade strategy and new foreign policy initiatives such as the Global Gateway. It invites scholars to engage with the conceptual foundations of this shift and provide empirical evidence of the EU's changing approach to global affairs. Papers addressing conceptual developments surrounding the EU's geo-economic turn, actorness, and power in global affairs are encouraged, along with case studies providing concrete examples, such as the EU's Indo-Pacific strategy, economic security measures, or strategic autonomy initiatives.


CfP 2025 IPSA World Congress- Panel: The 2024 Elections in the EU: Implications for Parties, Voters, and Governance

Call for Papers for the Panel “The 2024 Elections in the EU: Implications for Parties, Voters, and Governance” organised by Angeliki Konstantinidou at the 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science (12-16 July 2025, Seoul, South Korea)

Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 5 November 2024. Submit your proposal via this link: https://wc2025.ipsa.org/my-congress/submit/paper (you need to be logged in to your IPSA account). Select for the “Requested Track” the option “RC03 European Unification” and then for the “Open Panel” the title of the panel.

Find out more about the panel here: https://wc2025.ipsa.org/wc/panel/2024-elections-eu-implications-parties-voters-and-governance

Panel abstract: In a rapidly evolving political climate marked by complex transformations of EU governance and policies, the electoral results of the 2024 national and European Parliament elections play a significant role in shaping the interplay between domestic and EU politics, the relations between Member States, and the position of the EU in international policymaking. This panel seeks to examine the salience of different issues with a European dimension during the 2024 electoral campaigns, while also offering valuable insights into shifting party positioning on European integration, public interest in/support for the EU, as well as changing vote choices of EU citizens.


CfP 2025 IPSA World Congress- Panel: Citizenship and Mobility in the EU: Policies, Actors, and Practices

Call for Papers for the Panel “Citizenship and Mobility in the EU: Policies, Actors, and Practices” organised by Daniela Vintila at the 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science (12-16 July 2025, Seoul, South Korea)

Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 5 November 2024. Submit your proposal via this link: https://wc2025.ipsa.org/my-congress/submit/paper (you need to be logged in to your IPSA account). Select for the “Requested Track” the option “RC03 European Unification” and then for the “Open Panel” the title of the panel.

Find out more about the panel here: https://wc2025.ipsa.org/wc/panel/citizenship-and-mobility-eu-policies-actors-and-practices

Panel abstract: In a context of widening inequalities and rising populism, increasing mobility to and from the EU has gained salience in societal, political, and academic debates. It has also raised questions regarding the significance and boundaries of the EU citizenship, shifting dynamics in the evolution of immigration and emigration policies of EU Member States, the set of rights granted to immigrants living in the EU and to EU citizens residing in third countries, as well as EU citizens’ attitudes towards migration, diversity and inclusion, among others. This panel seeks to contribute to these ongoing debates, by examining the design, outcomes and outputs of citizenship and mobility policymaking in the EU. In doing so, the panel also reflects on the changing roles of different national, sub-national and supranational actors in migration and integration policies, as well as on the effects of existing regulations on migrants’ lives.


CfP 2023 IPSA World Congress- Panel: Legal or political? A problem of non-compliance with the CJEU rulings in the European Union Member States

Call for Papers for the Panel “Legal or political? A problem of non-compliance with the CJEU rulings in the European Union Member States” organised by Renata Mienkowska Norkiene at the 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science

Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 18th of January 2023


Panel abstract: Studies of the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) have so far focused mainly on the legal analysis of judgments or legal problems related to the question of non-compliance. Meanwhile, in expert and public debates on the condition of the EU and the challenges it has been facing, the role of the CJEU goes beyond the issues of interpreting EU law and the question of non-compliance goes far beyond the legal aspects. The panel has a few purposes: 1) To analyze the impact of CJEU judgments on national constitutional courts, 2) To analyze political significance of the CJEU judgements for the MS from the point of view of polity, policy and politics, 3) To analyze the the dialogue over the CJEU rulings and non-compliance between the EU institutions and the Member States. The panel will contribute to the debate on the political significance of the CJEU jurisprudence for the EU institutions, Member States, and EU citizens, it will also contribute to the analysis of the political reasons and the consequences of non-compliance. The presentation will answer questions about political significance of the CJEU judgements, where approach towards the question of “the political” will be based upon its notion elaborated by Carl Shmitt and modified by Chantal Mouffe.


CfP 2023 IPSA World Congress- Panel: Forecasting European Defense: How the EU Designs Its Response to the Unrest in Its Neighborhood

Call for Papers for the Panel “Forecasting European Defense: How the EU Designs Its Response to the Unrest in Its Neighborhood” organised by Annie Niessen and Cindy Regnier at the 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science

Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 18th of January 2023


Panel abstract: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the migration crisis, and the continued tensions in the Western Balkans have increasingly threatened security on European soil. These security crises have put a lot of pressure on the European Union to formulate compelling and efficient responses—be it in the military, political or economic areas—to build an appropriate defense approach. To formulate such responses, the EU needs models and strategies to both anticipate and legitimize its actions outside of its borders. In this regard, simulations, models, wargames, narratives, and imaginaries are all means of producing knowledge within and about EU defense.

This panel aims to address how the EU designs its various military, political, and economic responses to the unrest in its neighborhood with a defensive objective, how these responses contribute to forecasting a European defense, how simulations and wargames can enhance the anticipation of EU defense policies abroad, and how narratives and imaginaries are mobilized in the legitimation of these policies. With the aim of building bridges between critical and policy-oriented academics, we welcome both analyses of current and prospective defense policies, as well as meta-analyses of what it means to anticipate in times of defense/security crises.


CfP 2023 IPSA World Congress- Panel: EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Multiplex Order

Call for Papers for the Panel “EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Multiplex Order” organised by Dealan Riga at the 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science

Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 18th of January 2023


Panel abstract: In 2019, Ursula Von der Leyen mentioned her intention to lead a geopolitical commission. Since then, the concept of geopoliticization has received increased scholarly attention in research on the new features of European Union (EU) policy-making. However, particular analytical elements such as the one of strategic autonomy still escape the scope of current conceptual toolboxes. This panel aims to examine the shift of EU’s actorness from a normative focus to a strategic one. In exploring the geopolitical reasoning within the EU framework, the panel seeks to contribute to ongoing debates aiming to revisit the concept of actorness in light of new regional and global challenges.
Further research is much needed in this area, especially since the multipolarity framework did not manage to enable scholarly work beyond transatlantic ties. The West remains the dominant unit of analysis when it comes to EU strategic positioning, while the conceptual framework focusing on geostrategy remains ill-equipped to consider supranational networks as units for analysis. Moreover, new geopolitical turmoil such as the war in Ukraine urge further reflection on EU’s strategic capabilities in terms of geopolitical actorness. Yet, as global challenges are increasingly complexifying, researchers have to acknowledge growing fragmentation of global affairs when conceptualising and measuring actorness or its effectiveness.
This panel welcomes contributions considering EU strategies within complex world issues to draft key features of geopolitical actorness. Paper proposals can address different themes that could include (without being restricted to) topics such as: EU’s engagement to systemic rivalries; EU foreign policy in rising geostrategic regions (Western Balkans; Eastern Europe; Indo-Pacific, etc.); EU’s attempts to tackle power diffusion; EU capabilities to foster democratic governance; limits of EU strategic toolbox in the wake of complex challenges, recent developments regarding EU actorness in global politics and governance. The panel welcomes both conceptual and empirical contributions providing either specific case studies or comparative analysis to examine the extent to which EU’s geopolitical actorness is designed to tackle complex world challenges.



Call for monograph proposals - Contemporary European Studies series - Routledge/UACES

The Contemporary European Studies (CES) series invites early career and experienced academics to submit expressions of interest in the publishing of monographs and edited volumes to its new editorial team.

CES is an internationally-renowned outlet for the publication of first-rate research in European Union Studies. We welcome expressions of interest in all areas of EU research, and would particularly encourage scholars working on feminist perspectives, post-colonial and decolonising approaches, non-European perspectives on the EU, critical security studies, practice theory, and critical international political economy, alongside works on EU institutions, external relations, integration theories, and EU policies, to get in touch.

The editors will consider and provide feedback on all expressions of interest. For further information, please have a look at the submission process and at the proposal guidelines.


Call for Proposals RC03 European Unification Session- 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science

IPSA Research Committee RC03 European Unification is inviting you to submit proposals for our Session at the 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science. This international event will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 15-19 July 2023. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to share your work with peers, to learn from other scholars and to meet political scientists worldwide. 

Proposals for panels and papers for the RC03 Session can focus on any aspect related to the process of European integration and EU politics. This can include, for instance, topics such as: theories of integration; public policy in the EU; multilevel governance and EU decision-making; the evolution and functioning of EU institutions; democracy, legitimacy and accountability in the EU; electoral politics in the EU; the EU as a global actor; economic and fiscal governance in the EU; rule of law; values and rights in the EU, etc.

The call for proposals is from 20 September 2022 to 18 January 2023. Please visit the World Congress’ website for important details and submission guidelines. You may submit your panel proposals here (please select the Session RC03 European Unification). Deadline for OPEN panels: 1 November 2022. Deadline for CLOSED panels: 18 January 2023. Please note that the Call for Papers will open on 15 November 2022. 


IPSA RC03 European Unification- New Call for Proposals for the 2021 IPSA World Congress Lisbon

Dear members of IPSA Research Committee RC03 European Unification,

We wanted to inform you that, following the Lisbon World Congress postponement to 2021, an additional Call for Proposals has been released for the 26th  IPSA World Congress of Political Science (10-14 July 2021). We would like to invite you to submit new paper and panel proposals for our Session RC03 European Unification. We are interested in new proposals focusing on any topic related to EU politics and the process of European integration. Contributions aiming to address the policy responses of the EU and its Member States to the COVID-19 pandemic are also encouraged. We hope this new Call will give a chance to those who missed the previous submission deadline to participate in the 2021 Congress, while also allowing for new topics to be discussed in the panels submitted to our RC03 Session.

The deadline for submitting new paper and panel proposals is October 20. More details regarding the new Call are available here: https://wc2021.ipsa.org/wc/news/additional-call-proposals-now-open.


CfP Panel "POPULISM, ANTI-POPULISM, AND THE EU"- IPSA World Congress Lisbon 2020


Chair: Carlo Ruzza
Discussants: Hans-Joerg Trenz

Populism scholarship is fast gaining momentum in social and political sciences. However, less attention has been paid to the relationship between populist politics, EU institutions, and EU Civil Society.
While populism has been analysed from a variety of perspectives and methodologies, the scholarship has particularly focused on national and cross national cases, rather than on its European dimension. This panel aims to discuss how populist forces are impacting and reshaping EU institutions, civil society, and the representations and public debate that surround the European Union. We welcome papers that focus on different dimensions of this topic, such as:
• The impact of populism on European institutions, in terms of discourses, practices, and policy making;
• The relationships and interactions between populism and European organised civil society;
• How political forces at EU level are re-organizing themselves to face the challenge of populism;
• How populism is reshaping the public debate about the European Union, and what strategies non-populist and anti-populist forces apply to react to populism;
• How the rise of populist forces has shaped citizens’ perception of the EU and its institutions.
• Innovative theoretical perspectives on populism and its relationship with the EU.
• How to disentangle the relationship between populist and nationalist politics, within the EU insittutions and across Europe more broadly.

The panel aims at representing a forum of debate over the dynamics and consequences of populism for the EU, and how political forces and civil society should face this challenge. Papers that assess the relationship between populism and the EU from different theoretical and methodological perspectives are particularly welcome.
Submit all paper proposals to paolo.cossarini@unitn.it by Friday, October 18 2019


CfP Panel "Mobility and Social Protection in the European Union: Welfare States under Pressure?"- IPSA World Congress Lisbon 2020

Panel “Mobility and Social Protection in the European Union: Welfare States under Pressure?”

Chair: Angeliki Konstantinidou (SciencesPo Paris)

In a context of increasing mobility, high levels of unemployment and rapidly growing poverty rates, the access of migrants to welfare has become a key area of concern across the EU. The recent financial crisis has had serious implications on the number of migrants in need of social protection. According to Eurostat data, half of non-EU citizens aged 20-64 years old residing in EU28 in 2017 were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, compared to 28% among mobile EU citizens and 22% for non-mobile Europeans, respectively. Severe material deprivation was twice as high for third-country nationals when compared to EU citizens and being in work does not necessarily provide a safety net against poverty. At the same time, several EU countries have undertaken reforms aiming to limit migrants’ access to social benefits, whereas the argument of migrants as “abusers” of domestic welfare systems has often gained salience in political discourses. Yet, the EU social security coordination system limits the margin of manoeuvre of national governments in freely regulating mobile EU citizens’ access to welfare, thus offering them an extra layer of protection when compared to third-country nationals. This panel examines the design and outcomes of policies through which the EU and its Member States aim to regulate migrants’ access to welfare. In doing so, we pay attention not only to the type of social protection policies and programs targeting mobile individuals, but also how these regulations affect migrants’ life cycles. 

Deadline for abstracts: Thursday 3rd October, please send to Angeliki.Konstantinidou@sciencespo.fr.


CfP Panel "Citizenship and mobility in the EU: policies and practices"- IPSA World Congress Lisbon 2020

Panel “Citizenship and mobility in the EU: policies and practices”

Panel chair: Daniela Vintila (Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies, University of Liege)

Abstract: In a context of widening inequalities and rising populism, increasing mobility to and from EU countries clearly represents a major challenge for defining the boundaries of citizenship in the EU. The integration of migrants and their offspring across Europe has increasingly gained salience in societal and political debates. At the same time, the EU citizenship status continues to be portrayed as a powerful institutional and legal tool that marks the reconfiguration of the traditional paradigm of belonging in an increasingly diverse European Union. This panel seeks to contribute to ongoing debates regarding the design, outcomes and outputs of citizenship and mobility policies within the EU. To do so, we focus on three important angles. Firstly, we examine the legal implications of the EU citizenship status for the integration of mobile EU citizens across European host countries and, more broadly, for the politics of inclusion and exclusion within the EU. Secondly, we focus on mobile Europeans’ rights by looking not only at how these rights are defined and contested across the EU, but also at how EU citizens exercise these rights while residing in another EU Member State or in non-EU countries. Thirdly, the panel also discusses new top-down and bottom up participatory initiatives aiming to strengthen mobile Europeans’ identification with the EU by reshaping the meaning and significance of the EU citizenship.

Deadline for abstracts: Thursday 3rd October, please send to Daniela.Vintila@uliege.be


CfP Panel "Comparative Study of the Habitus, Style and Significance of Political and Administrative Elites in the EU"- IPSA World Congress Lisbon 2020

The EU is a joint venture of almost thirty member states run by administrators in the bureaucracies of the Union and the member states, as well as politicians in the European Commission and Parliament with those in national governments and parliaments. As members of the Euro elite they all resemble each other but there are also huge differences that matter when the future of the Union and often even the globe is negotiated between them. Therefore, it is reasonable for scholars to ask questions such as the following:
• How do politicians and administrators differ with regard to their habitus and typical approach when they go about the daily business of doing their work?
• How do administrators or politicians differ from each other depending on whether they are involved in the administration of the Union or one of the member states?
• How do the administrative and political cultures and styles differ depending on the actors’ country of origin?
• How does the politician’s or administrator’s country of origin affect her relative position among colleagues from other member states?
• How does gender affect relative positionings?
• Are there differences with regard to social class in the background of politicians and administrators, and do these differences vary according to nation?
• How do different educational institutions contribute to the differences?
• What is the role of political parties?
• What are the other important networks and are there national differences in access to the networks and/or their relevance for the smooth advancement of professional tasks?
• What kind of relations the Euro elite has to other elites and is there national or other kind of variation in these relations?
• What is the relation of the Euro elite to the media and the outside society in general?

Papers dealing with these or similar questions in the context of one or more member states of the EU are called for to set up a debate covering as many member states as possible. Methods of study may be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed. Anything goes as long as the paper has a contribution to make.


CfP Panel "Representative Democracy in Danger? The Impact of Populist Parties on the Powers of National Parliaments"- IPSA World Congress Lisbon 2020

Call for Papers Panel: "Representative Democracy in Danger? The Impact of Populist Parties on the Powers of National Parliaments"- IPSA World Congress, Lisbon 2020
Panel convenor: Dr. Aleksandra Maatsch (Chair of Social Sciences and Economy, Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies, University of Wrocław)
Panel chair: Prof. Dr. Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski (Chair of Political Theory and Research on Democracy, University of Leipzig)
Panel co-chair: Dr. Aleksandra Maatsch (Chair of Social Sciences and Economy, Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies, University of Wrocław)

Over recent years no other phenomenon has received greater academic attention than populism. While the meaning of the term continues to generate deep controversies among scholars, there is a broad consensus on populism constituting one of the most serious challenges to contemporary politics. It may therefore seem surprising that one important aspect of the problem has so far escaped academic attention: comparative studies analysing whether (and if yes, how) populist parties influence the powers of national parliaments. This workshop therefore addresses the following questions: How does the presence of populist parties in national parliaments influence core parliamentary competences, namely law-making, scrutiny and representation? To what extent does the presence of populists in national parliaments erode representative democracy?
Why is this research question worth looking at? Firstly, for a democracy to thrive, national parliaments cannot be constrained in their capacity to control and to hold governments accountable and to debate and vote on legislative projects while also representing the variety of interests in the deliberative and law-making process. Secondly, we have no systematic knowledge regarding the impact of populist actors on national parliaments in Europe or elsewhere. In particular, we do not know which aspects of national parliamentary competences have been predominantly affected by the presence of populist parties in the national parliaments of specific states.
The aim is therefore to examine the de facto practices of national parliamentary legislative, scrutiny and representative functions under the impact of populist parties (our dependent variable). We are interested in examining the impact of populist parties as (a) the parliamentary opposition; (b) junior coalition partners in governments and (c) the major force in a government. We welcome papers focusing on European and non-European states, country case-studies and comparative papers employing either qualitative or quantitative
methods. Regarding the topics of the papers, we welcome contributions focusing on any of the core aspects of national parliamentary powers (i.e. law-making and/or scrutiny).
The panel is open to researchers working in different subfields of political science and legal studies. As output from the workshop, the organiser is aiming for a special issue in an international peer-reviewed journal.

Deadline for abstracts: Monday 7th October, please send to maatsch@wbz.uni.wroc.pl


CfP Panel "Euroscepticism as a gendered phenomenon? Gender equality, values and opposition to the EU"- IPSA World Congress Lisbon 2020

IPSA, Lisbon 25-29th July 2020- Session RC03 European Unification

Panel: Euroscepticism as a gendered phenomenon? Gender equality, values and opposition to the EU

Panel Chair: Charlotte Galpin

This panel explores Euroscepticism as a gendered phenomenon. The EU has long been seen as a ‘gender actor’, with a variety of policy-making instruments in place to promote gender equality in EU law. Since 2010, gender mainstreaming as an approach has been embedded within the Lisbon Treaty. Furthermore, the EU itself has sought to construct an identity based on gender equality as a founding value. Such efforts therefore present the possibility that opposition to the EU also draws on opposition to gender equality as a fundamental principle of European integration. In fact, the Brexit referendum in the UK has demonstrated a link between voting leave and the belief that feminism is a ‘social ill’ as well as with opposition to a range of other social liberal values such as LGBTQ rights and environmentalism.

The link between gender and nationalism has been well-established. Increasing attention is also being paid to the links between right-wing populism and opposition to so-called “gender ideology”, as well as Islamophobic attitudes in the context of migration to Europe. Yet, the gendered dynamics behind Euroscepticism have been understudied. This panel therefore addresses some important questions about Euroscepticism as a multi-faceted and interdisciplinary concept: for example, to what extent do Eurosceptic parties mobilise opposition to gender equality as a fundamental principle of the EU? How far can Eurosceptic discourse itself be understood as gendered? In what was do Eurosceptic media – traditional and online – marginalise women and non-binary people from debates about the EU? The panel welcomes theoretical, empirical and intersectional contributions from a range of perspectives – such as those dealing with political parties, identities and discourse, media, history or public opinion.

Deadline for abstracts: Monday 7th October, please send to c.a.galpin@bham.ac.uk


CfP Panel “Identity(ies)-building in the EU: discourse, actors and dynamics”- IPSA World Congress Lisbon 2020

CfP Panel “Identity(ies)-building in the EU: discourse, actors and dynamics”

Chair: Annie NIESSEN

Panel to be submitted for the Session RC03 European Unification


During the past decades, the European Union has increasingly focused on actively reinforcing a sense of European identity through the promotion of the EU citizenship status and rights, cultural policies and symbolic references, among others. Yet, a return to nationalist attitudes can be observed in some EU Member States, notably in the voting behavior of EU citizens and their increasing skepticism towards EU membership.


This sheds light on some unresolved conflicting identity issues between the European and national levels, while also raising important questions such as: What is the role of the EU institutions and national actors in shaping a common, European, identity? Which dynamics lead to reinforcing or weakening European or national identities? Can European and national identities coexist and complement each other? To what extent discourses for regional autonomy at national level or supranational discourses at EU level may have an impact on how identity is shaped in the EU?


This panel aims to address these questions by focusing on the multi-dimensional construction of identity – or identities – within the EU, as well as on the actors and dynamics involved in this process of identity-building. The panel welcomes contributions with both theoretical and empirical approaches, as well as with various methodological and epistemological stances.


Paper proposals should be sent via email to Annie Niessen (annie.niessen@uliege.be) by 1st of October 2019 (midnight GMT). Paper proposals should include the title of the paper (no more than 25 words) and the abstract (no more than 250 words). For more information about the congress, please visit: https://wc2020.ipsa.org/wc/home


CfP IPSA World Congress Lisbon 2020- Open Panel: “The Europeanization of Public Debate between Normalization and Polarization”

Call for papers

IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Lisbon, 25-29 July 2020

Panel title: The Europeanization of Public Debate between Normalization and Polarization - https://wc2020.ipsa.org/wc/panel/europeanization-public-debate-between-normalization-and-polarization

Convenor: Dr. Antonella Seddone

Type: Open Panel

Chair: Dr. Giuliano Bobba

This panel addresses the process of Europeanization of public debate. During the last decade, the 2008 financial and economic crisis, the migration issues and the growing success of Eurosceptic parties have enhanced the visibility of the EU within and across members states. Literature showed that the Europeanization of public debates may follow both vertical and horizontal paths. The Vertical Europeanization is meant as the communicative linkages between the national and the European level, while the Horizontal Europeanization is intended as the communicative linkages between different member states. More precisely, the processes of Europeanization could take place as: (a) the Europeanization of national public spheres, (b) the domestication of Europe, (c) the overlapping between national public spheres, and (d) the increasing interrelation between national public spheres.
However, this process of Europeanization should not be understood as a linear, inevitable path. In fact, the growing relevance of the EU within public debates may result into two different patterns: (a) normalization and (b) polarization. European Union, indeed, could be normalized, namely this happens when embedded within the domestic public debate as a full-flagged systemic component. At the same time, the EU may become a trigger of polarization, whereas interdependent contesting publics coexist and contribute to igniting conflict around EU or EU related issues within public debate. Therefore, normalization and polarization have to be intended as intertwined and concurrent patterns, alternating within public debates.

This panel aims to clarify whether and to what extent is possible to identify processes of Europeanization of the public debates of EU member states. Which are the main outcomes emerging? How are they interrelated? Under which circumstances do domestic public debates tend to normalize or polarize the EU within the paths of Europeanization? How do media and social media contribute to the process of Europeanization? How and to what extent it impacts on public opinion and citizens’ attitudes towards the EU?

With this purpose, this panel invites papers that - based on a sound theoretical framework and supported by empirical analyses – address the dynamics of Europeanization in EU member states comparatively or in a single case study.


RC03 European Unification



CfP IPSA World Congress Lisbon 2020- Open Panel: “The Brexit and the Future of European Security Affairs”

Call for papers

IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Lisbon, 25-29 July 2020

Panel title: The Brexit and the Future of European Security Affairs - https://wc2020.ipsa.org/wc/panel/brexit-and-future-european-security-affairs

Convenor: Prof. Benjamin Zyla

Type: Open Panel

Chair: Dr. Arnold Kammel

The Brexit has attracted a lot of scholarly attention especially to its economic and social implications. However, what has largely been neglected is a discussion of its implications for both NATO and Europe’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). The aim and objective of this panel is to close this gap. How will the Brexit affect the inner mechanics of the transatlantic alliance (NATO) and CFSP in particular in the years to come? What implications does it have for CFSP missions (civilian & military), also financially?
Why are these important questions? First, the UK has been an integral part of the transatlantic as well as European security architecture since their beginnings. Second, the is EU currently exposed to a variety of external security and foreign policy challenges, including threats from Russia, as well as the instability permeating the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. On the NATO side, the climate is uncertain as well, especially given President Trump’s questioning of the viability of NATO. Thus, it appears to be clear is that the Brexit is more than simply an internal management exercise where British commitments (financial & human resources etc.) to the EU are going to be ‘switched around’ from one organization to the other—that is from the EU to NATO—or where their human resources (civilian & military) are being rotated out of the respective EU institutions in Brussels and posted elsewhere. The Brexit is much more fundamental than that, touching upon the very basic foundations of European security affairs and the transatlantic relationship. Against this backdrop, it is fair to hypothesize that the Brexit will undoubtedly have significant policy implications for all transatlantic security actors and institutions involved in the management thereof, in Britain, in NATO, and in the EU.


RC03 European Unification



CfP IPSA World Congress Lisbon 2020- Open Panel: “New Directions in the Study of EU Elites”

Call for papers

IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Lisbon, 25-29 July 2020

Panel title: New Directions in the Study of EU Elites - https://wc2020.ipsa.org/wc/panel/new-directions-study-eu-elites


Convenor: Prof. Patrick Dumont

Type: Open Panel

European integration has been rightly described as an elite project and the resulting EU institutions that emerged from this process see top national political elites interacting with elected and appointed supranational elites. This new layer of political positions has boosted studies of multilevel careers whilst questions often studied at the national level, such as portfolio allocation and committee assignments, have found new theoretical and empirical applications. Basic information on the composition and circulation of EU elites that would help make sense of EU inter-institutional relations and decisions, but also how the EU setting has altered career paths of European political elites are however still lacking. This is obviously true for the lesser studied EU institutions, but arguably for the European Parliament and the European Commission as well. We therefore welcome papers based on the collection of novel data on members of the different EU institutions that deepens our understanding of the functioning of the EU or addresses the distinctiveness of the careers it has generated.


RC02 Political Elites

RC03 European Unification


CfP IPSA World Congress Lisbon 2020- Open Panel: “Democracy Decline in EU Member States and EU Neighbours – Is the EU Helpless?”

Call for papers

IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Lisbon, 25-29 July 2020

Panel title: Democracy Decline in EU Member States and EU Neighbours – Is the EU Helpless?- https://wc2020.ipsa.org/wc/panel/democracy-decline-eu-member-states-and-eu-neighbours-eu-helpless

Convenor: Dr. Adam Szymanski

Type: Open Panel

In many states in the world, including the EU and its neighbourhood, we can observe the phenomenon called most often “de-democratization”, “democracy decline” or “democratic backsliding”. It has many faces – it can be about lowering the quality of democracy but sometimes also the situation close (if not identical) to the change of the regime – to a less democratic one.

It is often associated in the literature with the process of de-Europeanization. In the context of democratization it is connected with the frequent distancing from the European democratic values, rules and procedures. In practice it means often the reversal of previous reforms or conducting them without reference to the EU standards of liberal democracy. However, the de-Europeanization is also often associated with the weakening EU capabilities to react to the changes in (of) political regimes.

The aim of the panel is to investigate if the EU is really helpless in reacting to democracy decline – both in the EU members (such as Hungary, Poland or Romania) and its neighbours which either aspire to be the EU members in the future (Turkey, Western Balkan states) or want to have close ties with the EU (ENP countries), taking into consideration the current state of affairs.

The following questions will be posed: Are the current instruments and procedures in the EU insufficient and ineffective in response to the democracy decline in EU members (e.g. infringement procedures, art. 7 TEU) or countries within the EU enlargement and the ENP (mechanisms led by conditionality)? If so, what is needed to change this situation? What are the key problems for the EU to act effectively? What is the impact of particular EU institutions in the case in question – the European Commission, the European Parliament or the Court of Justice of the EU?

All of these, and more questions will be answered in the panel, which can include both empirical studies (single case studies and comparative analyses) and more theoretical papers trying to answer the question if the current theoretical framework is sufficient to explain the EU problems concerning the impact on the political regimes.

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