RC03 - European Unification

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26Feb 2016

CfA: Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences 2016

The "Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences – Linking Theory and Empirical Research" seeks to promote young researchers by strengthening their methodological understanding in linking theory and empirical research.

"The summer school consists of a two-week program with varied teaching and learning formats. While in the first week we tackle the key methodological challenges that arise in almost all research efforts, the second week is devoted to their consideration within concrete fields of social research. The modules of the first and second week follow a certain didactical course respectively.

Each module of the first week starts with a double lecture reflecting different or complementary methodological positions on the issue under consideration - represented by two international experts in each case who will also briefly comment on each others approach. In the next step participants work on assignments in four smaller groups and discuss the lectures. This is followed by two workshops in two groups with the respective lecturers that focus on the implications for research designs. Here, the lectures and assignments can be discussed with the lecturers more deeply. Each module ends with an offer for short one-to-one consultations with the respective lecturers. Each participant can have at least one consultation within the first week.

The modules of the second week are taking two steps within each thematic group of participants. In the first step the Berlin-based experts give an introduction that relates the considerations of the first week to the respective substantial field of research. In the second, all participants have the opportunity to present and discuss their current research project in depth and to receive feedback and hands-on advice for the methodological challenges arising in their research."



05Oct 2015

News: Extended deadline for closed panel submission IPSA World Congress on Political Science 2016- OCTOBER 14

News - EXTENDED DEADLINE - You have until OCTOBER 14 to Submit your Closed Panel/Paper Proposal for WC2016/REPORT DE LA DATE LIMITE - Vous avez maintenant jusqu'au 14 OCTOBRE pour soumettre votre proposition de panel fermé/communication pour le WC2016 http://ift.tt/1j9GJui

04Oct 2015

CfP Panel on “The Euro-crisis and European identity: changes and dynamics on the demos-to-be”, IPSA World Congress of Political Science, July 23-28, 2016

Call for Papers: “The Euro-crisis and European identity: changes and dynamics on the demos-to-be”, IPSA World Congress of Political Science, July 23-28, 2016

Panel chair: Simona Guerra, University of Leicester

Abstract: Although analyses have found that the economic crisis is not a source of Euroscepticism, positive attitudes are declining in countries suffering most from it. Concurrently, trust towards the EU has halted at very low levels, 31% (EB81 2014, 9), and turnout at the 2014 European Parliament (EP) elections decreased to 42.61% (it was 53% in 2009 and EP official data reported a few percentages up to 43.09% until the end of June 2014). As Paul Taggart and Aleks Szczerbiak underline, despite the current crisis can enrich these EP elections with more Europe, it is important to distinguish the crisis, a general economic crisis, a specific euro crisis and the domestic contexts (2014). Addressing the crisis, the decreasing level of turnout and low trust for the EU institution, this panel ‘looks out for’ the impact of the Euro-crisis on European identity. We invite submissions discussing the limits of the concept, the debates underlying its notion and discourse, studies on the relationship between national and European identity, and analyses on functional and affective dimensions, cross-border interaction and cognitive mobilization, and addressing the impact, if any, of the Euro-crisis.

Deadline: October 7th 2015.

For further information, please contact Dr. Simona Guerra (gs219@leicester.ac.uk).

21Sep 2015

"Routledge Handbook of European Elections"- Edited by Donatella M. Viola

The Routledge Handbook of European Elections, edited by Donatella M Viola and foreworded by J.H.H. Weiler, explores the multifaceted dimension of the European Parliament’s (EP) electoral contests across the European Community and European Union since 1979. After setting a general empirical and theoretical framework, this collaborative project presents original contributions from 
leading experts in the field. Each case study adheres to a common template that makes it easy to compare data, methodology and outcomes.

The volume aims to enhance readers’ understanding of the European Parliament and revive their interest in the European integration
process. By providing a wide range of national and European facts and figures, this investigation represents a comprehensive reference guide to scholars, practitioners and students of the European Parliament, European elections, political parties, European Union, comparative politics.



01Sep 2015

Two-year postdoc fellowship, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence

Two-year postdoc fellowship, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence

Application deadline: 11 September 2015

Requirements: Knowledge of content and text analysis and ability to 
develop computer-assisted analyses

Details here: http://www.sns.it/en/servizi/job/assegnidiricerca/assegno377/

18Aug 2015

Call for panels and papers for the Section on ‘Memories, identities and narratives of Europe’, 8th Pan-European Conference on the European Union

Call for panels and papers for the Section on ‘Memories, identities 
and narratives of Europe’ for the 8th Pan-European Conference on the 
European Union, ‘The Union’s Institutional and Constitutional 
Transformations: Stress or Adaptation?’, University of Trento, Italy, 
16-18 June 2016

Section 13. Memories, identities and narratives of Europe

Section chairs: Carlos Closa (EUI, carlos.closa@eui.eu) and Vincent 
della Sala (University of Trento, vincenzo.dellasala@unitn.it)

The narrative turn in the social sciences has also had an impact on 
the study of the construction of identities and memory in the European 
Union as well as on the integration process itself. The recent 
interest in the construction of a European identity pushed us to look 
to the ways in which the European Union has or may become a ‘normal’ 
form of governing or,  on the contrary, this construction still 
clashes with national memories, narratives and identities. 
Particularly after the 2004 enlargement, ‘memory politics’ gained 
greater visibility in EU politics, prompted by debates on diverging 
interpretations of the past and concomitant debates on recognition. 
These debates intersect with narratives of the EU and its mission and 
with conceptions of European identity.

This section aims at examining the role that memory and narratives 
play in EU politics and policies. By ‘memory’ is meant both the EU 
attempt to root policies and politics on its own past as well as the 
struggles of member states and/or specific constituencies to insert 
their own memory experiences at the EU level. ‘Narratives’ refer to 
the discourses constructed by actors (at both national, subnational 
and EU level), such as the EU Commission sponsored New narrative for 
Europe or the New Schumann Declaration (2015), justifying (or, 
conversely, undermining) the EU and its very role. The third dimension 
of this section refers to EU ‘identity’ and its relation with EU 
citizenship and/or national citizenship.

We invite proposals of panels and papers that explore the ways in 
which Europe has been constructed through the use of memory, identity 
and/or narrative. Contributions can be conceptual and exploratory, 
looking for ways in which we might understand the role and 
construction of memory, identity and/or narratives, as well as 
empirical in focus.
Section available at:


Deadlines and key dates available at: 

18Aug 2015

Call for panels and papers for the Section on ‘Euroscepticism and the rise of EU contestation’, 8th Pan-European Conference on the European Union

Call for panels and papers for the Section on ‘Euroscepticism and the 
rise of EU contestation’ for the 8th Pan-European Conference on the 
European Union, ‘The Union’s Institutional and Constitutional 
Transformations: Stress or Adaptation?’, University of Trento, Italy, 
16-18 June 2016

Section 14. Euroscepticism and the rise of EU contestation

Section Chairs: Simona Guerra, University of Leicester (gs219@leicester.ac.uk), Hans-Jörg 
Trenz, University of Copenhagen (trenz@hum.ku.dk).

The image of the EU across public opinion has been viewing increasing 
negative evaluations, since the economic and financial crisis hit its 
peak, in 2010 and 2011.  The crisis has affected public attitudes and 
perceptions of legitimacy and identity, but it has also mobilized 
political parties and citizens in opposition to the EU. Although 
opposition towards the EU has been pitched as a temporary phenomenon, 
it has now become a distinctive characteristic of the EU integration 
process, described as ‘embedded’, pervasive and enduring. 
Euroscepticism, as outright and contingent opposition, has become 
structured in terms of party alignment, negative attitudes and 
cleavages. Yet, at the domestic levels, the Eurosceptic opposition 
takes different colours and chooses different targets and strategies. 
This Section invites panel proposals that address different forms of 
Euroscepticism and the roles of political and social actors involved, 
in particular:

1.     Who/What drives political opposition towards the EU?

2.     How is Euroscepticism manifested in political contestation 
through political parties and the citizens domestically and in a 
transnational, comparative perspective? (e.g. in national and 2014 
European Parliament elections?)

3.     How does the (re)politicization of European integration 
restructure the political landscape of the EU and its member states in 
terms of conflicts, cleavages and identities?

4.     How do the media (new and old) contribute to the expression of 

5.     What are the effects on the EU integration process and what are 
its long term consequences for the EU project?
We invite theoretical and empirical analyses, and comparative and case 
studies touching upon any of these themes.

Section available at:


Deadlines and key dates available at: 

18May 2015

LSE Fellow in Migration and EU Politics London School of Economics and Political Science - European Institute and Department of Government

LSE Fellow in Migration and EU Politics

London School of Economics and Political Science - European Institute and Department of Government



18May 2015

Young people - migration and socioeconomic situation

Migration is changing Europe and lies at the core of many debates in the context of globalisation, EU enlargement and the demographic and economic changes which the European Union is facing. Young people are a particularly vulnerable and over-represented group among migrants. This article analysis the current socioeconomic status of young persons examined by their country of birth through existing Zaragoza indicators on social inclusion together with some proposed new ones on education, employment and social inclusion of young people by country of birth.



18May 2015

Lecturer in International Politics University of Leicester - Politics and International Relations

Lecturer in International Politics
University of Leicester - Politics and International Relations


14May 2015

Seminar EUI: Citizenship in Regional Integration Organizations- Carlos Closa (EUI) and Daniela Vintila (University of Leicester)

EU citizenship represents, without any doubt, a paradigmatic example of the extent to which rights can derive from a supranational form of membership, thus being considered as the first systematic proof for the reconfiguration of the classic model of citizenship. However, is the citizenship of the Union unique in its character or, on the contrary, do other international organizations also grant similar legal entitlements to the nationals of their member states? If so, what kind of rights do these IOs recognize at the supranational level, to whom and under which conditions? Going even further, to what extent different regional integration schemes shape, in practice, a new paradigm of rights-based supranational citizenship? Can we identify similar mechanisms of policy convergence in the propensity of IOs to deepen in highly sensitive areas of regional cooperation such as citizenship? Why do regional organizations create this supranational status of rights? Drawing on an original dataset including a large number of international organizations (N=83), this paper discusses the above-mentioned questions from a cross-regional perspective.



17Feb 2015

CfP Participazione & Conflitto (PaCo), 9(1) 2016- POLITICAL ACTIVISM IN EUROPE: NUMBERS AND TRENDS


Guest Editors: Francesca Vassallo, University of Southern Maine, email: francesca.vassallo@maine.edu; Vincenzo Memoli, University of Catania, email: memoli@unict.it



Research on political participation is often linked to the quality of democratic activism. Most European countries have been officially democracies for a long time, but some of them fail to show a high level of popular participation in their democratic systems. Citizens’ participation in politics has been a central idea in research on political systems, liberal democracies in particular, since the 1960s (Campbell 1960; Almond and Verba 1963; Verba et al., 1978). The relatively recent and surprising decline of political activism in industrialized democracies (Wattenberg 1998) highlights a pattern that includes both conventional and unconventional forms of political engagement (Dalton 2014).

In these recent crisis-stricken times, economic instability in Europe has had a wide variety of effects on political behavior. The overall lack of success of many of the financial interventions and the ongoing disagreement between citizens and governments over the choices made ​​has sparked an increased commitment to political activism. The global financial meltdown has caused a deep fracture in European societies: the severity of the economic crisis is an opportunity for an empirical assessment of political unconventionality in. Does the economic crisis affect political participation? How has the economic collapse changed the way citizens participate in the political arena? This special issue is an opportunity to empirically test how strong political participation on the European continent is. This call welcomes papers on political involvement in many forms, both conventional (eg, elections) and unconventional (for example, the different forms of protest) in one or more European countries.

The preferred methodological approach to the issue should be both comparative and diachronic. In this view, it would be possible to shed light on areas where political participation has declined or increased, as well as estimate how it has changed with respect to the period prior to the European economic crisis. The issue can also include case studies tracking the trajectory of political participation over time, or works adopting a synchronic approach, while distinguishing the levels of political participation among the different areas of the EU.

- Submission of long abstracts (about 1,000 words): 30th May 2015

- Selection of long abstracts: 15th June 2015

- Submission of articles: 15th September 2015

15Feb 2015

Programa ComFuturo Convocatoria de ayudas de la Fundación General CSIC

La Fundación General CSIC lanza la primera convocatoria de su Programa ComFuturo, un programa de colaboóación público-privada que tiene por objeto dar respuesta al desempleo de jóvenes científicos altamente cualificados, captando el mejor talento joven investigador y haciendo posible que desarrolle proyectos de alcance en Centros e Institutos del CSIC, con el apoyo económico de entidades privadas.

Se dirige a: Jóvenes investigadores doctores que hayan obtenido el grado de doctor dentro de los últimos 12 años; en posesión de la nacionalidad española o de la residencia permanente en España.

Requisitos: Los proyectos de investigación deben ser innovadores, con alto potencial de aplicabilidad y transferencia al tejido productivo, y poder ejecutarse en un Centro o Instituto del CSIC apropiado.

Descripción: Contrato laboral de hasta tres años de duración para el investigador ComFuturo y una dotación para gastos asociados al desarrollo del proyecto de investigación.

Presentación de solicitudes: Hasta el 15/03/2015 a las 23:00 horas

15Feb 2015


Ikerbasque has launched a new international call to reinforce research and scientific career in the Basque Country:

. 15 positions for Promising Researchers Ikerbasque Research Fellows

o 5 year contracts

o PhD degree between Jan2005-Dec2012

o Support letter from the host group is mandatory

o Deadline: April 15th at 13:00 CET

For further information, please visit: www.ikerbasque.net

04Feb 2015

Call for FNRS PhD proposals within the PATHWAYS project on political representation of immigrant-origin citizens

The Institut de Sciences Politiques Louvain-Europe (ISPOLE) at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) is inviting applicants for a PhD within the project PATHWAYS. PATHWAYS is a comparative study of the representation of citizens with an immigrant origin in eight European democracies (Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands and Spain). Selected applicants would be invited to submit an application for an FNRS PhD grant of 4 years (aspirant FNRS).


The applicant is preferably knowledgeable in both French and Dutch (English is also a great advantage) and must have a good knowledge of the Belgian political system. The applicant is free to tailor his or her research question(s) around the proposed research project, within the norms of the availability of data and expertise. Comparative projects are also stimulated.


BE-PATHWAYS is an innovative and comparative inter-university collaboration of a team of junior and senior scholars examining the political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in Belgium. It is part of an international PATHWAYS consortium (http://pathwayseu/), which analyses the political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in seven additional European democracies (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and the UK). The principal goal of this particular project is twofold. On one hand, the project seeks to advance the knowledge and scholarship of the descriptive representation of citizens of immigrant origin (CIO) in Belgium's legislative assemblies, at the regional (Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels) and national levels. On the other hand, and as part of its innovative nature, the project seeks to analyse the parliamentary activities of representatives of immigrant origin (substantive representation). The project seeks to advance the study of democratic representation of CIOs in a number of ways:

   To provide tightly defined - hitherto unavailable - comparative data on the descriptive and substantive representation of CIOs in Belgium (currently data are often restricted to issues such as citizenship, e.g., Eurostat 2011).
   To provide comparative data on important institutional and socio-demographic contextual variables alongside different institutional levels in Belgium.
   To offer innovative explanations of cross-national, cross-regional, cross-level and diachronic variations in descriptive and substantive representation by building on a flexible analytical framework, which allows for the incorporation of a variety of theoretical approaches (e.g. social capital, path dependency, rational choice).
   To integrate the data with other research efforts in the field, most notably the PATHWAYS and IDEA projects.

Data collection and methodology

The research design combines a systematic approach to data collection on two levels of government, national and regional. The inclusion of the regional level is of particular importance, as this is where immigrants can more easily build capacity to win political office and where barriers to get elected should be easier to overcom. The data collection includes primary and secondary sources of information and will be organised in the following way :

   National level : the project collects information on (1) the descriptive representation of CIOs for all elections since 1991, and (2) on particular legislative activities (substantive representation) of minority and comparable non-CIO parliamentarians in the last completed legislative term (2010).
   Regional level : the project collect information on descriptive representation for the last completed legislative term (2009). Given the generally large number of regional assemblies throughout Europe, the variability of access to sources and the lack of general research on representation at this level, this will still be a major advance and will allow comparisons between Belgian regions, across European regions, or even between the national level and the regional level.

Send a brief research proposal (1 page max.) and curriculum vitae to Steven M. Van Hauwaert (steven.vanhauwaert@uclouvain.be) by 5 pm on 13 February 2015.

21Jan 2015

Book: "EU Procedural Law" by Koen Lenaerts, Ignace Maselis and Kathleen Gutman- Oxford University Press

Book: "EU Procedural Law" by Koen Lenaerts, Ignace Maselis and Kathleen Gutman- Oxford University Press


The European Union is unique amongst international organisations in that it has a highly developed and coherent system of judicial protection. The rights derived from Union law can be enforced in court, as opposed to other international organisations whereby enforceability is often far less certain. At the heart of the system of judicial protection in the European Union is the core principle of upholding the rule of law. As such, the stakes are high in the sense that the system of the judicial protection in the European Union must live up to its promise in which individuals, Member States and Union institutions are all guaranteed a route by which to enforce Union law rights.

This book provides a rigorously structured analysis of the EU system of judicial protection and procedure before the Union courts. It examines the role and the competences of the Union courts and the types of actions that may be brought before them, such as the actions for infringement, annulment, and failure to act, as well as special forms of procedure, for example interim relief, appeals, and staff cases. In doing so, special attention is given to the fields of EU competition law and State aid. In addition it evaluates the relationship between the Court of Justice and the national courts through the preliminary ruling procedure and the interplay between EU law and the national procedural frameworks generally. Throughout, it takes account of significant institutional developments, including the relevant changes brought by the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty and the amendments to the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice and the General Court.

21Jan 2015

Book: "The Constitutional Foundations of European Contract Law: A Comparative Analysis", by Kathleen Gutman - Oxford University Press

Book: "The Constitutional Foundations of European Contract Law: A Comparative Analysis", by Kathleen Gutman - Oxford University Press


Situated within the context of the ongoing debate about European contract law, this book provides a detailed examination of the European Union's competence in the field of contract law. It analyses the limits of Union competence in relation to several relevant Treaty provisions which potentially confer competence on the Union to adopt a comprehensive contract law instrument and the exercise of Union competence in connection with the operation of the principles of subsidiarity, proportionality and sincere cooperation. It also explores the viability of several alternative and complementary routes to the adoption of such an instrument, including enhanced cooperation, an intergovernmental treaty and certain American techniques. Setting forth an elaborate account of the context for this debate and its chronological development at the European level, this book charts the discussions relating to the European Union's competence to regulate contract law and offers a comparative analysis of the approach taken to the approximation of contract law in the American setting. Setting forth a detailed account of the context for this debate and its chronological development at the European level, the book charts the discussions that have occurred within and outside the EU relating to the transnational competence to regulate contract law. Situating European constitutional law within the continued debate about European contract law, it also reflects upon the contract law structure of the United States and examines the viability of alternative and complementary routes to the adoption of a comprehensive instrument of substantive contract law.

21Jan 2015

"Looking ahead: pathways of future constitutional evolution of the EU" by Carlos Closa

Closa, C. (2015). "Looking ahead: pathways of future constitutional evolution of the EU". Directorate General for Internal policies, Citizens´ rights and constitutional affairs. https://www.academia.edu/10242610/Looking_ahead_pathways_of_future_constitutional_evolution_of_the_EU

Abstract: The effects of the economic and fiscal crisis and the institutional instruments created to deal with it have led several actors (from governments and EU bodies to scholars) to propose different EU reforms. Several options exist to accommodate future constitutional development which, in some cases, may require Treaty revision. In this case, future constitutional evolution faces the challenge that the very stringent EU revision requirement (i.e. unanimity) poses. Other available options do not seem totally satisfactory.

30Dec 2014

CfP Panel on "The EU and the Global South: towards strategic and coherent action across policies?", EISA 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations

Panel on "The EU and the Global South: towards strategic and coherent action across policies?" EISA 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Giardini Naxos (Italy) September 24-26 2015

The starting point of the panel (s) is that numerous changes in the international landscape require the EU to adapt its development and foreign affairs policies, objectives and institutions. Development – which was the EU’s ‘traditional way’ of engaging with the global south – has decreased in relative importance, forcing the EU to rethink how it engages with rapidly changing developing countries. In addition, the EU is also more active in other areas of external policy and increasingly aims to foster integrated policy responses that interlink development with broader foreign policy objectives. This changing empirical reality also compels EU scholars to rethink and adapt their research. While in recent years we have witnessed an emerging literature on the EU as a development policy actor, the scholarly community is still largely preoccupied with ‘traditional‘ developmental questions (i.e. development policy and aid effectiveness) and is mostly disconnected from the broader field of EU international affairs. The need to bridge the gap with research areas including the EU's global role, the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), the EU's Neighbourhood policy or the EU's role in climate change is pressing.

This panel thus invites scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds to (i) bring various perspectives on the EU's engagement with the developing world together and (ii) to analyse the EU's management of policy interlinkages and integrated policy responses.

The panel will be organized and chaired by Jan Orbie (Ghent University), Nadia Molenaers (University of Antwerp) and Svea Koch (German Development Institute). Please send abstracts of up to 200 words and your name, organisation and contact details to Jan.Orbie@UGent.be.

Deadline for abstract submission: 8th January 2015

EISA deadline for panel submission: 15th January 2015

06Dec 2014

Call for a Guest Professor in European Economic Integrations, University of Prishtina, Kosovo

Call for a Guest Professor in European Economic Integrations

EU Winter School (EUWS), 19-23 January 2015

at University of Prishtina, Prishtina, Kosovo

EYCA Kosovo is looking for a Guest Professor with specialty in EU Competition Policy for its EU Winter School (EUWS) to be held between 19-23 January 2015 in collaboration with University of Prishtina. Guest Professor will teach one to two lectures per day between 5 days (it is possible to teach less days) and will receive an honorarium along with travel and accommodation expenses.

About EUWS

EYCA Kosovo will organize the 1st edition of the EU Winter School (EUWS 2015), The event will be held on 19-23 January 2015 in collaboration with University of Prishtina. This edition of the EUWS will consist of moderated debates, lectures, open discussions and practical work, provided by academics from European universities, YCS Alumni and local practitioners active in the area of European integration. It will be organised in cooperation with the EU Scholarship Schemeproject, with the support of the University of Prishtina, which will provide the premises.

The project targets last year undergraduate students of Economics, Law and Political Sciences from all universities in Kosovo. EUWS 2015 will consist of three days of academic lectures and two plenary sessions. EUWS 2015 builds upon its tradition of contributing to improve the academic offer available in Kosovo on EU Affairs and EU integration process, as well as providing an opportunity to network with EU academics, YCS alumni and practitioners otherwise not available to the students. It will also provide a unique opportunity to ca 40 undergraduate students to discuss EU and EU integration matters (both theoretically and practically) and network with leading professionals and academics.

Different from previous editions of the EU Summer School, this year’s EUWS will focus on a flagship topic, “EU Affairs and Europeanization of Kosovo’s Society, Economy and Politics through Accession”, by combining theoretical and practical aspects.

Possible topics to be covered by the Guest Professor:

Theoretical Background and Main Principles of the EU Competition Policy

EU Competition Policy: Constitutional and Legal Foundations (including WTO Rules), Institutions and Decision-Making Processes

EU Competition Policy in Practice: Globalization and Economies of Scale

Application of the EU Competition Policy and Acquis: the Role of the European Commission and the European Court of Justice and other Institutions

EU Competition Policy in the Context of EU Enlargement: Acquis Approximation, Institution-Building, Market Regulation and Economic Competitiveness

Expression of Interest:

Please send a CV to alejtin@universum-ks.org. Deadline: December 5, 2014.


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