RC03 - European Unification

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25Nov 2014

CfP "Political Systems in Central and Eastern Europe and Southern Europe – Comparative Studies", 2015 ECPR Joint Sessions

Call for Papers "Political Systems in Central and Eastern Europe and Southern Europe – Comparative Studies", 2015 ECPR Joint Sessions, University of Warsaw

The comparative studies concerning the political systems of European countries concentrate first of all on the “old” EU member states. There is a small number of comparative works dealing also with the Union’s members from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), i.e.: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Although there are many differences between these states and other EU countries, there are substantial and sometimes surprising similarities as well. This concerns particularly the EU members or still associate members from the Southern Europe (Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain as well as Cyprus, Malta and Turkey) which are closest to the CEE countries in terms of political and economic changes. Comparing the political systems of both groups of countries allows for the analysis of very important political and socioeconomic processes (led by the democratization and development of the market economy), the components of political systems, the political culture, the role of contemporary ideologies in shaping political systems as well as particular domestic and external policies (as outputs of political systems). The key question in this context is to what extent different political phenomena are shaped by the specific domestic factors (historical and current ones) and to what extent by “external” factors, mainly the integration with the EU and globalization processes. All these interesting research questions will be the subject of the Workshop within the ECPR Joint Sessions 2015 event, organized by Adam Szymański (ad_szym@poczta.onet.pl; ar.szymanski@uw.edu.pl), Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Science, University of Warsaw as well as Özgün Erler Bayır (ozgunerler@yahoo.com), Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Istanbul University and sponsored by the ECPR Standing Group on Southern European Politics.

The expected type of paper within the Workshop is a comparative analysis on the states from CEE and Southern Europe regions. The Workshop Directors prefer comparative analyses of political systems of at least one state from each of the two regions, but also accept comparative analyses of states from only one region if the discussed issues are important for the other one. The topics of the papers can concern: -General processes, e.g. democratization, political and economic transformation, secularization as well as the Europeanization, regionalization and globalization - Particular components of political systems, e.g. governing bodies, political parties (including far-right and far-left oriented parties), civil society organizations and social movements, media as well as state-Church relations, role of the military and civil-military relations - Particular ideological/cultural and political culture elements influencing political systems, e.g. the position of nationalism, secularism/religion(s), conservatism, liberalism, populism and feminism; Euroscepticism, attitude towards democracy, etc. - Particular policies (political system’s outputs), including among others: the economic, financial, energy, social and environmental policy as well as foreign/European and security policy - Coping with contemporary challenges – e.g. economic crisis, globalization challenges, transnational processes that limit the role of a state

More information about the Workshop may be found in the Workshop outline in the Academic Programme (look at the Workshop no. 11): http://www.ecpr.eu/Events/PanelList.aspx?EventID=90 If you are interested in participation in the Workshop, please, submit a paper proposal by 1 December 2014 via MyECPR.

18Nov 2014

Call for Papers – EU politics of memory, Global Governance Programme/RSCAS(EUI) and COST Action IS1203

Call for Papers – EU politics of memory, Global Governance Programme/RSCAS(EUI) and COST Action IS1203, Florence, 19-20 June 2015


This workshop wants to explore the different dimensions involved in shaping EU memory policies: the conflicts on diverging and often contested memory facts and their projection to the EU/European level; the role of different group of actors as memory entrepreneurs at the supranational level, their cooperation and competition; the role of EU institutions; the strategies pursued by actors and institutions; the fitting of EU policies with national policies, etc. The workshop invites papers analyzing specific policy issues (denial of crimes, EU memory museum policies, comparing different national cases of actors/strategies in pursuing these European policies, theoretical papers, etc. Single country cases are not preferred although submissions may be considered and decided upon on the basis of their merits.

Submission of proposals. Proposals for papers should contain a title and a brief summary (up to 300 words). Deadline for submission is 30th November 2014. Applicants should include a brief CV. Papers accepted will be taken into consideration for the publication agenda of the Working Group on Politics of Memory. Proposals should be uploaded at http://www.rscas.org/registration_form/?p=1425

Funding: Members of the COST ISTME network will have their costs covered through the standard COST procedures. A certain amount of funding may be available for those selected applicants lacking funding.

Organization. The Workshop is jointly organised by the COST ITSME , the EUI RSCAS Global Governance Programme and the Research Committee on European Unification of the International Political Association (IPSA) . For further information, please, contact Carlos Closa or Georges Mink

18Nov 2014

2014 paper prize for early career scholars - CES research network EU integration/Global Political Economy and Comparative European Politics

2014 paper prize for early career scholars - CES research network EU integration/Global Political Economy and Comparative European Politics

The CES research network on European integration and Global Political economy is delighted to announce the 2014 round of their annual paper prize competition, in collaboration with Comparative European Politics (CEP). This is an opportunity specifically for scholars in early stages of their career, to support publication of excellent work.

CES now invites papers that speak to the remit of the network and the journal. Papers presented at the annual CES conference, the network's annual doctoral workshop or other events associated are eligible for the competition, but we also welcome other submissions.

Paper submissions for consideration of the prize have to be original, English-language, unpublished work. Submissions are welcome from early career scholars, that is either at PhD level or up until three years following completion of the PhD. Papers should not exceed a length of 8,000 words, including notes and references, and should follow the Instructions for Authors specified by the journal. The prize jury consists of two members of the network board, as well as two members of the CEP editorial board.

Papers should be submitted to Holly Snaith (hs@ifs.ku.dk<mailto:hs@ifs.ku.dk<mailto:hs@ifs.ku.dk%3cmailto:hs@ifs.ku.dk>>) by 1 December 2014 at the very latest.

18Nov 2014

‘Identity and Economic Rationality: Explaining Attitudes towards the EU in a Time of Crisis’ by Simona Guerra and Fabio Serricchio

‘Identity and Economic Rationality: Explaining Attitudes towards the EU in a Time of Crisis’ by Simona Guerra and Fabio Serricchio

In B. Stefanova (ed.) (2014) The European Union beyond the Crisis: Evolving Governance, Contested Policies, Disenchanted Publics, Ch. 14


18Nov 2014

Lecturer in Comparative Politics or International Relations, University of Glasgow - School of Social and Political Sciences

Lecturer in Comparative Politics or International Relations, University of Glasgow - School of Social and Political Sciences


The School of Social and Political Sciences is seeking to recruit a Lecturer in Politics with a focus in comparative politics or international relations. We welcome applications from candidates who have expertise in any area of these sub-fields but we are particularly interested in applicants who can add to our current research strengths in conflict studies, the quality of democracy/democratization or human rights. S/he will undertake high-quality research, actively contribute to teaching in Politics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and undertake administration as required by the Head of School.

Deadline: 14th December 2014

18Nov 2014

Lecturer in Politics, University of Glasgow - College of Social Sciences

Lecturer in Politics, University of Glasgow - College of Social Sciences


The School of Social and Political Sciences is seeking to recruit a Lecturer in Politics with a focus on the quantitative analysis of comparative politics. The successful candidate will have research expertise in the broad field of comparative politics and we particularly welcome applicants who can add to our growing research strengths in political behaviour, political communication and/or computational methods (big data). S/he will undertake high-quality research, actively contribute to teaching in Politics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and undertake administration as required by the Head of School.

Deadline: 14th December 2014

11Nov 2014

Call for Papers - Journal | Perspectivas - Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations

Call for Papers - Journal | Perspectivas - Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations


Application Deadline: 31 December, 2014 Contact: perspectivas-nicpri@eeg.uminho.pt

11Nov 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS ICEP-2015 13th International Conference on European Processes

Call for Papers ICEP-2015 13th International Scientific Conference „Initiatives Towards Political, Economic and Social Development of Europe“, 27th of March 2015, Kaunas (Lithuania).

The conference is organised by KTU Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities, Institute of Europe.


11Nov 2014

Call for JCMS Book Review Editors

The JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies calls for book review editors to work with the journal editors, Michelle Cini and Amy Verdun from 1 July 2015. The new book reviews editors will replace the current team Paul Stephenson and Patrick Bijsmans.

The book review editors’ role entails: identifying appropriate reviewers; careful consideration of books for potential review; and the copy-editing and submission of reviews in accordance with the publication schedule. In addition they will occasionally need to liaise with authors over editorial changes, progress and deadlines and to liaise with editors over publication deadlines, word-lengths and page numbers; providing the editors with regular status reports. The editors will also record the submissions and reviewers details.

Book review editors will be appointed for a term of 2 years in the first instance. The editors’ preference is that two book review editors should be appointed (ideally located at the same institution or in close geographic proximity). However, individual applicants will also be given serious consideration.

Expressions of interest (of no more than 250 words), accompanied by a CV for each applicant should be sent by email to Michelle Cini and Amy Verdun Michelle.Cini@bris.ac.uk and averdun@uvic.ca by 1 December 2014. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the editors with any informal enquiries before the deadline.

11Nov 2014

Call for Panels & Papers - UACES 45th Annual Conference

Call for Panels & Papers - UACES 45th Annual Conference

University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain - 7-9 September 2015

UACES welcomes both panel and paper proposals from across academic disciplines including law, economics, geography, history, sociology, public policy and politics. We accept submissions from established academics, practitioners and well-prepared doctoral students.

The deadline for submitting panel and paper proposals is Friday 16 January 2015.

For guidelines on how to submit a proposal visit: http://www.uaces.org/events/call/guidelines.php

06Nov 2014

Call for Papers - Journal of Advances in Political Science

Call for Papers - Journal of Advances in Political Science

Application Deadline: 31 December, 2014 Contact: editorjpsonline@gmail.com.

Journal of Advances in Political Science is an International, open access, peer reviewed, online journal. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific preeminence in all areas of political science.


Important Dates

·Submission deadline: open

·Notification: By 1-4 weeks of submission

·Publication date: Journal items can be published collectively/individually as soon as they are ready.

06Nov 2014

Vacancy: Teaching and Research Assistant in International Politics and European Integration, University of ‪Mannheim‬

Vacancy: Teaching and Research Assistant, University of ‪Mannheim‬ Deadline: 15 November

PhD position for a teaching/research assistant (E 13, 0,5) in International Politics and European Integration research at the Chair of Political Science II. The position is to be filled for three years and the preferred starting date should be 1.1.2015.


06Nov 2014

Professor Carlos Closa, chair of IPSA RC03 on European Unification, speaks at the European Parliament

6 November: Professor Carlos Closa, chair of IPSA RC03 on European Unification, speaks at the European Parliament

Carlos Closa discusses pathways of future constitutional evolution of the EU at the Workshop for Committee on Constitutional Affairs "CHALLENGES IN CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS IN THE NEW TERM: TAKING STOCK AND LOOKING FORWARD"


02Nov 2014

CfP: PSA Quantitative Methods Network Conference on Quantitative Political Methodology

Call for papers: PSA Quantitative Methods Network Conference on Quantitative Political Methodology

Location: Manor Road Building, University of Oxford

Date: 9th January 2015, 10.30 to 18.00


Costs to be determined but it will be either be free or minimal charge for catering.

Keynote presentation: Chris Zorn (Pennsylvania State University) "Understanding the Evolution of Judicial Consensus with Sentiment Analysis” Deadline: 7 November, 2014

30Oct 2014

"Angry Young Europeans? Croatian attitudes towards the EU in comparative perspective" by Simona Guerra

"Angry Young Europeans? Croatian attitudes towards the EU in comparative perspective" by Simona Guerra


Abstract: ‘Is something wrong with the Croats?’ was the question addressed in a 2011 contribution to Balkanalysis in 2011 commenting upon low levels of trust towards national and EU institutions in that country. As it approached EU accession only 7% of Croats had ‘a lot of confidence’ in EU institutions, with similarly low levels of trust in political parties (5%) and the national parliament (9%). Despite the fact that support for the EU remained quite stable between 2000 and 2002, with 77-78% of Croats willing to vote in favour of EU accession, increasing levels of opposition worried the government to the extent that it launched a new information campaign in 2006, after the limited success of the first 2001 campaign.

30Oct 2014

Book Chapter: 'Euroscepticism and the Next Enlargements' by Simona Guerra

Book chapter: 'Euroscepticism and the Next Enlargements' by Simona Guerra (Central and Eastern European Attitudes in the Face of Union, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)


29Oct 2014

Two co-editor positions - Irish Political Studies

Two co-editor positions - Irish Political Studies

Application Deadline: 22 November, 2014


Irish Political Studies (IPS) is seeking expressions of interest for two co-editor positions for the data issue of the journal.

Candidates should have a specialist background in the politics of the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland.

The positions are tenable for three years from 2015-2017.

Candidates should send their expressions of interest, a short statement on their editorial vision and a curriculum vitae to Prof Thomas Hennessey and Dr Theresa Reidy, co-editors of Irish Political Studies at t.reidy@ucc.ie by 12 November 2014.

Informal queries about the role of the data editors can be submitted to either Thomas Hennessey or Theresa Reidy.

The selection decision will be made by the co-editors and the successful candidates will be notified at the end of November.

IPS is the journal of the PSAI and was established in 1986. It is the only refereed journal exclusively dedicated to the publication of high-quality academic articles on Irish politics. It covers politics in the Republic of Ireland, in Northern Ireland, the politics of their bilateral relationships and the politics of their relationship with the United Kingdom, the European Union and beyond.

29Oct 2014

CEU Issues Call for Applications for Fourth Annual European Award for Excellence in Teaching

CEU Issues Call for Applications for Fourth Annual European Award for Excellence in Teaching

CEU has announced the call for applications for its fourth annual European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The award, launched in 2011, is the first and only such pan-European honor and is accompanied by the €5,000 Diener prize. To be eligible, a candidate must be an instructor of any rank in the social sciences and/or humanities and currently teaching at a higher education institution in a member country of the European Higher Education Area (http://www.ehea.info/members.aspx). Current and former faculty members of CEU are not eligible.

For more information, see https://ctl.ceu.hu/teaching-award. Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2015 and should be sent to TeachingAward@ceu.hu. For more information on previous winners, visit https://ctl.ceu.hu/teaching-award-recipients.

29Oct 2014

Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Politics Department, Maastricht University

Job description: You contribute to teaching and research in the field of European Studies. Teaching duties include courses in the BA and MA programmes in European Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. While your teaching activities will take 70% of your time, research will be 30% of your employment time. The research time can be extended through external fundraising.

Requirements: The candidate has a PhD degree in Political Science or European Studies. The candidate should be capable of triggering student learning and participation in group discussions. (S)he is an inspiring and stimulating supervisor. As the language of instruction is English, your command of English (oral and writing) should be excellent. Previous experience in working with innovative, interdisciplinary learning approaches and problem-based teaching methods are highly welcomed. Experience with teaching international classrooms would be preferable. All members of staff are expected to share our emphasis on high quality teaching, reflected in our system of small-scale problem based learning. Your research experience and publications demonstrate your expertise in the field of European public policy analysis. Expertise in the field of political economy or European monetary policies is an asset. You have published internationally and in peer-reviewed journals, or are willing to develop in this direction. You have evidence of or potential for international excellence in published research.

Starting date: Preferably by 1 January 2015

The deadline for submitting your application is 23 November 2014

Please send your application electronically to the Secretariat of the Faculty Office: Pzfdcwvacatures@maastrichtuniversity.nl Any inquiries about the position may be addressed to Prof. Sophie Vanhoonacker, Head of Politics Department (+31 43 388 32 42; s.vanhoonacker@maastrichtuniversity.nl)

17Oct 2014

Call for Applications - “Debating Moldova: Visegrad Counties and Moldova’s European Integration”

Call for Applications - “Debating Moldova: Visegrad Counties and Moldova’s European Integration”


The Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) of the Central European University opens a call for participation to join a unique, international, on-line student debate on the European future of Moldova and the Visegrad countries, which brings together 25 highly motivated students from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland and Slovakia. The debate is organized in the framework of the project entitled “Debating the European Union: Visegrad 4 Experience,” and is coordinated by MESA10, a Slovak NGO having a two-decade-long experience in supporting economic and social reforms aimed at building a free society based on respect for democratic principles and values.

The debate takes place on November 5 (Wednesday), 2014. The Budapest team will join the online debate from the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary). The five teams will discuss Moldova’s European association and integration prospects in light of the current security situation in Eastern Europe and the upcoming parliamentary elections in Moldova. The debate aims at connecting V4 university students with students from Moldova, and deepening their understanding on the issues in question while also strengthening their debating skills.

Send your CV and a short motivation letter (max. 1/2 page) in English to Zsuzsanna Vegh (veghzs@ceu.hu) by October 24, 2014.

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