RC03 - European Unification

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02Nov 2014

CfP: PSA Quantitative Methods Network Conference on Quantitative Political Methodology

Call for papers: PSA Quantitative Methods Network Conference on Quantitative Political Methodology

Location: Manor Road Building, University of Oxford

Date: 9th January 2015, 10.30 to 18.00


Costs to be determined but it will be either be free or minimal charge for catering.

Keynote presentation: Chris Zorn (Pennsylvania State University) "Understanding the Evolution of Judicial Consensus with Sentiment Analysis” Deadline: 7 November, 2014

30Oct 2014

"Angry Young Europeans? Croatian attitudes towards the EU in comparative perspective" by Simona Guerra

"Angry Young Europeans? Croatian attitudes towards the EU in comparative perspective" by Simona Guerra


Abstract: ‘Is something wrong with the Croats?’ was the question addressed in a 2011 contribution to Balkanalysis in 2011 commenting upon low levels of trust towards national and EU institutions in that country. As it approached EU accession only 7% of Croats had ‘a lot of confidence’ in EU institutions, with similarly low levels of trust in political parties (5%) and the national parliament (9%). Despite the fact that support for the EU remained quite stable between 2000 and 2002, with 77-78% of Croats willing to vote in favour of EU accession, increasing levels of opposition worried the government to the extent that it launched a new information campaign in 2006, after the limited success of the first 2001 campaign.

30Oct 2014

Book Chapter: 'Euroscepticism and the Next Enlargements' by Simona Guerra

Book chapter: 'Euroscepticism and the Next Enlargements' by Simona Guerra (Central and Eastern European Attitudes in the Face of Union, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)


29Oct 2014

Two co-editor positions - Irish Political Studies

Two co-editor positions - Irish Political Studies

Application Deadline: 22 November, 2014


Irish Political Studies (IPS) is seeking expressions of interest for two co-editor positions for the data issue of the journal.

Candidates should have a specialist background in the politics of the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland.

The positions are tenable for three years from 2015-2017.

Candidates should send their expressions of interest, a short statement on their editorial vision and a curriculum vitae to Prof Thomas Hennessey and Dr Theresa Reidy, co-editors of Irish Political Studies at t.reidy@ucc.ie by 12 November 2014.

Informal queries about the role of the data editors can be submitted to either Thomas Hennessey or Theresa Reidy.

The selection decision will be made by the co-editors and the successful candidates will be notified at the end of November.

IPS is the journal of the PSAI and was established in 1986. It is the only refereed journal exclusively dedicated to the publication of high-quality academic articles on Irish politics. It covers politics in the Republic of Ireland, in Northern Ireland, the politics of their bilateral relationships and the politics of their relationship with the United Kingdom, the European Union and beyond.

29Oct 2014

CEU Issues Call for Applications for Fourth Annual European Award for Excellence in Teaching

CEU Issues Call for Applications for Fourth Annual European Award for Excellence in Teaching

CEU has announced the call for applications for its fourth annual European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The award, launched in 2011, is the first and only such pan-European honor and is accompanied by the €5,000 Diener prize. To be eligible, a candidate must be an instructor of any rank in the social sciences and/or humanities and currently teaching at a higher education institution in a member country of the European Higher Education Area (http://www.ehea.info/members.aspx). Current and former faculty members of CEU are not eligible.

For more information, see https://ctl.ceu.hu/teaching-award. Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2015 and should be sent to TeachingAward@ceu.hu. For more information on previous winners, visit https://ctl.ceu.hu/teaching-award-recipients.

29Oct 2014

Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Politics Department, Maastricht University

Job description: You contribute to teaching and research in the field of European Studies. Teaching duties include courses in the BA and MA programmes in European Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. While your teaching activities will take 70% of your time, research will be 30% of your employment time. The research time can be extended through external fundraising.

Requirements: The candidate has a PhD degree in Political Science or European Studies. The candidate should be capable of triggering student learning and participation in group discussions. (S)he is an inspiring and stimulating supervisor. As the language of instruction is English, your command of English (oral and writing) should be excellent. Previous experience in working with innovative, interdisciplinary learning approaches and problem-based teaching methods are highly welcomed. Experience with teaching international classrooms would be preferable. All members of staff are expected to share our emphasis on high quality teaching, reflected in our system of small-scale problem based learning. Your research experience and publications demonstrate your expertise in the field of European public policy analysis. Expertise in the field of political economy or European monetary policies is an asset. You have published internationally and in peer-reviewed journals, or are willing to develop in this direction. You have evidence of or potential for international excellence in published research.

Starting date: Preferably by 1 January 2015

The deadline for submitting your application is 23 November 2014

Please send your application electronically to the Secretariat of the Faculty Office: Pzfdcwvacatures@maastrichtuniversity.nl Any inquiries about the position may be addressed to Prof. Sophie Vanhoonacker, Head of Politics Department (+31 43 388 32 42; s.vanhoonacker@maastrichtuniversity.nl)

17Oct 2014

Call for Applications - “Debating Moldova: Visegrad Counties and Moldova’s European Integration”

Call for Applications - “Debating Moldova: Visegrad Counties and Moldova’s European Integration”


The Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) of the Central European University opens a call for participation to join a unique, international, on-line student debate on the European future of Moldova and the Visegrad countries, which brings together 25 highly motivated students from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland and Slovakia. The debate is organized in the framework of the project entitled “Debating the European Union: Visegrad 4 Experience,” and is coordinated by MESA10, a Slovak NGO having a two-decade-long experience in supporting economic and social reforms aimed at building a free society based on respect for democratic principles and values.

The debate takes place on November 5 (Wednesday), 2014. The Budapest team will join the online debate from the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary). The five teams will discuss Moldova’s European association and integration prospects in light of the current security situation in Eastern Europe and the upcoming parliamentary elections in Moldova. The debate aims at connecting V4 university students with students from Moldova, and deepening their understanding on the issues in question while also strengthening their debating skills.

Send your CV and a short motivation letter (max. 1/2 page) in English to Zsuzsanna Vegh (veghzs@ceu.hu) by October 24, 2014.

10Oct 2014

Become a Member of IPSA!

Become a Member of IPSA!

The International Political Science Association (IPSA) is currently in the process of renewing individual memberships for the year 2015.


06Oct 2014




Proposals for papers should contain a title and a brief summary (up to 300 words). Deadline for submission is 30th November 2014. Applicants should include a brief CV. Papers accepted will be taken into consideration for the publication agenda of the Working Group on Politics of Memory. Proposals should be uploaded at http://www.rscas.org/registration_form/?p=1425

Since its origin, the EU constructed a narrative based on the reconciliation among former enemies. 9th May symbolized the transit from confrontation and the end of WWII to reconciliation and European integration. This narrative went largely unchallenged. In the 1990s, some policies related to the remembrance of Holocaust added a new layer of memory policies. The 2004 enlargement triggered a certain conflict on these common grounds. On the one hand, applicant states had to adapt to existing mainstream EU memory policies as an implicit part of the acquis. On the other hand, politicians and intellectuals in acceding states demanded the development of policies which took into account the specific memories of Central and Eastern European States associated with the experience of totalitarian communist regimes. Claims for recognition of these memories emerged in different European institutional and non-institutional sites and actors used different strategies to further their claims. This workshop wants to explore the different dimensions involved in shaping EU memory policies: the conflicts on diverging and often contested memory facts and their projection to the EU/European level; the role of different group of actors as memory entrepreneurs at the supranational level, their cooperation and competition; the role of EU institutions; the strategies pursued by actors and institutions; the fitting of EU policies with national policies, etc. The workshop invites papers analyzing specific policy issues (denial of crimes, EU memory museum policies, comparing different national cases of actors/strategies in pursuing these European policies, theoretical papers, etc. Single country cases are not preferred although submissions may be considered and decided upon on the basis of their merits.

04Oct 2014

Fixed term lectureship in EU politics at University of Leicester

Fixed term lectureship in EU politics at University of Leicester

We have a vacancy at the University of Leicester for a five-month lectureship with teaching mainly, although not exclusively, focused on European Union politics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. More details can be found on the University of Leicester's website here: http://ig5.i-grasp.com/fe/tpl_UniversityOfLeicester01.asp?newms=jj&id=89284&aid=14178

and there is a link via jobs.ac.uk here: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AJS184/lecturer-in-politics-fixed-term/.

The lectureship begins on 26 January 2015 and the closing date for applications is 23 October 2014.

Any informal inquiries should be addressed to Rick Whitaker: richard.whitaker@leicester.ac.uk.

03Oct 2014

Call for Papers 4th Joint Conference on Human Rights and Justice

Call for Papers 4th Joint Conference on Human Rights and Justice 8 – 10 June 2015


This joint conference will ask researchers and policymakers from academia, think tanks, IOs and NGOs to deal with various aspects of justice and human rights. Papers should highlight how and to what extent human rights in all aspects and levels of governance, law and decision making allow or deny access to justice. This may include questions regarding whether and to what extent the international human rights regime can address adequately the challenges of human rights implementation and justice, as well as how regional, national, and local mechanisms may address human rights challenges. Paper and panel proposals that also address the issues such as climate justice, transitional justice or cyber justice as well as access to justice and global distributive justice are welcome. Some of the questions to be addressed at the conference include:

•Are human rights and justice always compatible?

•How do we conceptualize the relationship between human rights and justice?

•What role does global distributive justice play in advancing human rights?

•How do we ensure that domestic justice systems address a wide range of human rights issues?

•Are international justice institutions (e.g. International Criminal Court, European Court of Human Rights, Inter-American Court, African Court on Human and People’s Rights) adequate for addressing human rights issues?

The deadline for submissions is 14 November 2014.

•How have norms regarding justice and human rights evolved?

03Oct 2014

Call for Sections, 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations

Call for Sections, 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations Wednesday 23-Saturday 26 September 2015, Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy


Proposals for sections should include: 1) Name, institutional affiliation and email address of the proposed section chair(s) – maximum two chairs per section. 2) Proposed section title and summary of its theme(s) and rationale(s) (no more than 250 words). Please state here if your proposed section is to contain 5 or 10 panels. 3) Tentative indication of possible panels. We do not require a full list of panels, but we would like at least 3 suggested themes for a 5-panel proposal and 6 suggested themes for a 10-panel proposal, which would show what the Section convenor(s) hope would be covered by the section at the conference. Section convenors, if they wish, can also substantiate these themes with suggested paper titles or roundtable participants.

Proposals should be submitted to paneuroconf2015@gmail.com

The closing date for section proposals is Sunday 12 October 2014.

01Oct 2014

Call for Papers 4th European Conference on Politics and Gender, Sweden

Call for Papers 4th European Conference on Politics and Gender 2015 June 11-13 Uppsala, Sweden


Call for papers deadline: Proposals may be submitted from August 15 2014 to October 15 2014. We accept online submissions only. Participants will be notified of the decision by 1st December 2014.

Submission instructions Each participant may submit up to 2 papers or organized panel proposals. Additional proposals will not be considered. Each panel or paper proposal has to be submitted to 2 sections (first choice and second choice) Paper proposal length: 300 words including title

01Oct 2014

Call for Papers Journal of Advances in Political Science 2015

Call for Papers Journal of Advances in Political Science 2015

Application Deadline: 31 December, 2014 Contact: editorjpsonline@gmail.com.

Journal of Advances in Political Science is an International, open access, peer reviewed, online journal. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific preeminence in all areas of political science.


01Oct 2014


New research project: “PATHWAYS TO POWER: THE POLITICAL REPRESENTATION OF CITIZENS OF IMMIGRANT ORIGIN IN SEVEN EUROPEAN DEMOCRACIES” — a cooperative international endeavor on the political representation of citizens of immigrant origin in seven European democracies (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and UK).

Website: http://pathways.eu/

PATHWAYS project seeks to advance knowledge on descriptive representation of citizens of immigrant origin at the national and regional levels over a twenty year period. Additionally, the project adds an innovative dimension by examining substantive representation of citizens of immigrant origin at the national level.

PATHWAYS team includes over 20 scholars, working in several participant institutions, led by the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), University of Bamberg (Germany), University of Leicester (United Kingdom), and SciencesPo (France).

The project is funded by British ESRC, the Dutch NWO, the French ANR, and the German DFG, under the Open Research Area (ORA+) scheme. The principal investigators are Prof. Manlio Cinalli (SciencesPo), Prof. Laura Morales (Leicester), Prof. Thomas Saalfeld (Bamberg), and Prof. Jean Tillie (Netherlands).

Twitter PATHWAYS Project UK: @PathwaysProjUK

24Sep 2014

BOOK: "The political representation of immigrant-origin citizens in local elections: an empirical analysis" (2014), by Santiago Pérez-Nievas, Daniela Vintila, Laura Morales and Marta Paradés

BOOK: "The political representation of immigrant-origin citizens in local elections: an empirical analysis" (2014), by Santiago Pérez-Nievas, Daniela Vintila, Laura Morales and Marta Paradés

Madrid: Spanish Centre for Sociological Research (CIS)


Abstract: During the last two decades, Spain experienced considerable demographic changes, witnessing a sustained increase of its foreign-born population. Against this general background, this work aims to describe the patterns of political representation of immigrants within the Spanish receiving context, focusing particularly on the local level. In doing so, we use data from two original surveys conducted to multiple political parties in municipalities with high concentration of immigrant-origin residents. The first sample focuses on the nomination of immigrant candidates on the electoral lists presented by parties with representation at the national and regional level for the last three local elections, in all municipalities where one of the following groups - Romanians, Moroccans, Bulgarians and Latin Americans - represent at least 15 per cent of the population. The second sample looks exclusively at the 2011 local elections in the region of Madrid, with a survey conducted to parties in all the municipalities of the region where immigrant origin residents constitute at least 15 per cent of the population.

Our findings point towards a substantive pattern of under-representation of immigrants, as all groups show levels of representation lower than we would expect following descriptive representation criteria. However, the data also shows interesting inter-group variation, with some immigrant communities being more likely to benefit from the new opportunities of political representation than others. Finally, the study also addresses the issue of the potential impact of different factors on immigrants’ political representation, thus helping to better understand the reasons behind this variation between groups and municipalities.

24Sep 2014

CfP Midwest Political Science Association’s (MPSA) 73rd Annual Conference, Chicago, April 2015

Midwest Political Science Association’s (MPSA) 73rd Annual Conference, Chicago, 16 April, 2015 - 19 April, 2015

Complete Panel Deadline: September 26, 2014 Paper and Roundtable Deadline: October 3, 2014 Contact: conf@mpsanet.org

Proposals are invited for sessions in seven different formats: panels, posters, roundtables, Junior Scholar Symposium, Empire Series, working group and open discussions.


24Sep 2014

Call for Papers 8th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations, Hertie School of Governance

Call for Papers 8th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations, Hertie School of Governance, Germany


The conference brings together economists and political scientists to address political-economy issues related to international organizations such as the World Trade Organization, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the European Union, and also other international organizations that have as yet received less attention in the academic literature.

Both empirical and theoretical papers will be considered. Please submit full papers to conference@peio.me. The deadline for submission is 30 September, 2014. Decisions will be made by 31 October, 2014.

The special issue of the Review of International Organizations will focus on Developing Countries and International Organizations, edited by Eric Werker (Harvard University). Submission to the conference does not require submitting to the special issue.

24Sep 2014

Global Constitutionalism 3(3) out now

Global Constitutionalism 3(3) out now

You can access the current issue via the following link:


21Sep 2014

BOOK: "Ethnic Citizenship Regimes: Europeanization, Post-war Migration and Redressing Past Wrongs" (2011), by Aleksandra Maatsch

BOOK: "Ethnic Citizenship Regimes: Europeanization, Post-war Migration and Redressing Past Wrongs" (2011), by Aleksandra Maatsch

Palgrave Macmillan


Abstract: National citizenship is still the last bastion of states' sovereignty, meaning that EU institutions cannot exercise any direct influence on national citizenship legislation in the EU member states. On the other hand, the process of political integration in the EU, international human rights' development and globalization are claimed to have indirectly challenged states' exclusive competences in that legal area. As a consequence of these processes a number of questions arise: what kind of national citizenship has developed in the member states of the European Union? Which principles have informed it? Which factors have triggered the legislative reforms? This book sheds light on the processes that have transformed national citizenship of the European Union's member states and explains the legislative changes that have taken place since the mid-1980s in Germany, Hungary and Poland.

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