Riga, D. (2024). Navigating Regionalism in a Heterarchical Global Order: A Comprehensive Analysis of the EU's Empowerment in Global Investment Governance. In Ramjit, D.M. (Ed.), Postinternationalism and the Rise of Heterarchy. IGI Global, pp. 165-188. Find it oout here.
21Oct 2024
CfP 2025 IPSA World Congress- Closed Panel: The Geopoliticization of EU Trade Policy: Adapting the Toolbox to Address Global Economic Challenges
04:52 - By Daniela Vintila
Call for Papers for the Panel “The Geopoliticization of EU Trade Policy: Adapting the Toolbox to Address Global Economic Challenges” organised by Dealan Riga at the 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science (12-16 July 2025, Seoul, South Korea)
Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 1 November 2024. Submit your proposals to Deala Riga (dealan.riga@uliege.be).
Panel abstract: In recent years, the European Union (EU) has faced mounting external challenges, including the weaponization of trade interdependence, shifts in global value chains, and the resurgence of great power politics. In response, the EU has introduced a new economic security package and embraced the motto of "strategic autonomy" in its external actions. These pressures have triggered a more assertive global posture, encapsulated in the concept of the geopoliticization of EU trade policy. While this shift has garnered increasing scholarly attention, there is a need for deeper exploration of its broader implications. Analytically, aspects such as outbound investment screening, the EU's Global Gateway, and the export of dual-use goods warrant closer scrutiny. Conceptually, the ongoing dynamics of geopoliticization remain under-defined, calling for further theoretical development to fully grasp its evolving nature. This panel invites scholars to examine the renewal of the EU’s trade policy and its evolving trade strategy, as well as their implications for global affairs. It welcome contributions that address both the conceptual underpinnings and empirical evidence of the EU's changing approach to global trade. Papers addressing the EU’s geo-economic shift, the implementation of new strategic tools, and its renewed assertiveness in global affairs are encouraged. Case studies focusing on instruments like the EU's anti-coercion measures, economic security policies, or strategic autonomy initiatives are also considered.
21Oct 2024
CfP 2025 IPSA World Congress- Closed Panel: An EU geopolitical actorness? Exploring the Renewal of EU Foreign Policy in a shifting world order
04:50 - By Daniela Vintila
Call for Papers for the Panel “An EU geopolitical actorness? Exploring the Renewal of EU Foreign Policy in a shifting world order” organised by Dealan Riga at the 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science (12-16 July 2025, Seoul, South Korea)
Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 1 November 2024. Submit your proposals to Deala Riga (dealan.riga@uliege.be).
Panel abstract: Over the past few years, the European Union (EU) has faced growing challenges such as weaponization of trade interdependence, the diffusion of global power, and the resurgence of great power politics. These external pressures have significantly impacted the EU, prompting the announcement of a Geopolitical Commission, a renewed foreign policy toolbox, and a more assertive approach to global trade. Academic debate has increasingly focused on the EU's geo-economic turn and the emergence of new avenues for external policy. However, further discussion is needed to fully understand the broader implications of the EU’s evolving role in global affairs. This panel seeks to explore the renewal of the EU’s external policy, focusing both on new foreign policy initiatives such as the Global Gateway or the renewal of pre-existing mechanism in a more strategic framework. It invites scholars to engage with the conceptual foundations of this shift and provide empirical evidence of the EU's changing approach to global affairs. Papers addressing conceptual developments surrounding the EU's geo-economic turn, actorness, and power in global affairs are encouraged, along with case studies providing concrete examples, such as the EU's Indo-Pacific strategy, economic security measures, or strategic autonomy initiatives.
17Oct 2024
CfP RC03 IPSA Work in Progress Sessions (IPSA-WiPS) Panel: The EU's Geo-Economic Turn: Exploring the Renewal of Trade and Foreign Policy
03:16 - By Daniela Vintila - Call for Papers
Call for Papers for the Panel “The EU's Geo-Economic Turn: Exploring the Renewal of Trade and Foreign Policy” organised by Dealan Riga for the IPSA Work in Progress Sessions (IPSA-WiPS) (4-6 December 2024, online via Zoom).
Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 25 October 2024. Submit your proposal via this link: https://www.wips2024.ipsa.org/inscricoes/capa. In the “Panel” field, select the option “(RC03) The EU's Geo-Economic Turn: Exploring the Renewal of Trade and Foreign Policy”.
Find out more about the panel here: https://www.wips2024.ipsa.org/simposio/view?ID_SIMPOSIO=30
Panel Abstract: Over the past few years, the European Union (EU) has faced growing challenges such as weaponization of trade interdependence, the diffusion of global power, and the resurgence of great power politics. These external pressures have significantly impacted the EU, prompting the announcement of a Geopolitical Commission, a renewed foreign policy toolbox, and a more assertive approach to global trade. Academic debate has increasingly focused on the EU's geo-economic turn and the emergence of new avenues for external policy. However, further discussion is needed to fully understand the broader implications of the EU’s evolving role in global affairs. This panel seeks to explore the renewal of the EU’s external policy, focusing both on its evolving trade strategy and new foreign policy initiatives such as the Global Gateway. It invites scholars to engage with the conceptual foundations of this shift and provide empirical evidence of the EU's changing approach to global affairs. Papers addressing conceptual developments surrounding the EU's geo-economic turn, actorness, and power in global affairs are encouraged, along with case studies providing concrete examples, such as the EU's Indo-Pacific strategy, economic security measures, or strategic autonomy initiatives.
12Sep 2024
CfP 2025 IPSA World Congress- Panel: The 2024 Elections in the EU: Implications for Parties, Voters, and Governance
08:44 - By Daniela Vintila - Call for Papers
Call for Papers for the Panel “The 2024 Elections in the EU: Implications for Parties, Voters, and Governance” organised by Angeliki Konstantinidou at the 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science (12-16 July 2025, Seoul, South Korea)
Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 5 November 2024. Submit your proposal via this link: https://wc2025.ipsa.org/my-congress/submit/paper (you need to be logged in to your IPSA account). Select for the “Requested Track” the option “RC03 European Unification” and then for the “Open Panel” the title of the panel.
Find out more about the panel here: https://wc2025.ipsa.org/wc/panel/2024-elections-eu-implications-parties-voters-and-governance
Panel abstract: In a rapidly evolving political climate marked by complex transformations of EU governance and policies, the electoral results of the 2024 national and European Parliament elections play a significant role in shaping the interplay between domestic and EU politics, the relations between Member States, and the position of the EU in international policymaking. This panel seeks to examine the salience of different issues with a European dimension during the 2024 electoral campaigns, while also offering valuable insights into shifting party positioning on European integration, public interest in/support for the EU, as well as changing vote choices of EU citizens.
12Sep 2024
CfP 2025 IPSA World Congress- Panel: Citizenship and Mobility in the EU: Policies, Actors, and Practices
08:43 - By Daniela Vintila - Call for Papers
Call for Papers for the Panel “Citizenship and Mobility in the EU: Policies, Actors, and Practices” organised by Daniela Vintila at the 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science (12-16 July 2025, Seoul, South Korea)
Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 5 November 2024. Submit your proposal via this link: https://wc2025.ipsa.org/my-congress/submit/paper (you need to be logged in to your IPSA account). Select for the “Requested Track” the option “RC03 European Unification” and then for the “Open Panel” the title of the panel.
Find out more about the panel here: https://wc2025.ipsa.org/wc/panel/citizenship-and-mobility-eu-policies-actors-and-practices
Panel abstract: In a context of widening inequalities and rising populism, increasing mobility to and from the EU has gained salience in societal, political, and academic debates. It has also raised questions regarding the significance and boundaries of the EU citizenship, shifting dynamics in the evolution of immigration and emigration policies of EU Member States, the set of rights granted to immigrants living in the EU and to EU citizens residing in third countries, as well as EU citizens’ attitudes towards migration, diversity and inclusion, among others. This panel seeks to contribute to these ongoing debates, by examining the design, outcomes and outputs of citizenship and mobility policymaking in the EU. In doing so, the panel also reflects on the changing roles of different national, sub-national and supranational actors in migration and integration policies, as well as on the effects of existing regulations on migrants’ lives.
16Jul 2024
2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science: Call for Panel Proposals for the RC03 European Unification Track
03:34 - By Daniela Vintila
The IPSA Research Committee RC03 European Unification is inviting you to submit proposals for our Research Committee Track at the 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science. This international event will be held in Seoul, South Korea, between 12-16 July 2025. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to share your research with peers and engage with the global political science community!
Proposals for Panels (open and closed) for the RC03 Track can focus on any aspect related to the process of European integration and EU politics. This can include, among others, topics such as: theories of integration; public policy in the EU; multilevel governance and EU decision-making; the evolution and functioning of EU institutions; democracy, legitimacy and accountability in the EU; electoral politics in the EU; the EU as a global actor; economic and fiscal governance in the EU; rule of law; values and rights in the EU, etc.
The Call for Panel Proposals is now open. Anyone can submit a proposal for the RC03 Research Committee Track (please select this Track when submitting). An IPSA online account (free) is required in order to submit a proposal. While IPSA membership is not required for submission, it is mandatory for participation and registration for the IPSA World Congress.
There are two options to submit a panel proposal:
- Open Panel = Submitted without papers and open to paper submissions
A panel that is submitted by the convenor without papers, with an appointed chair, co-chair and discussant(s). Once the panel is accepted, it will be open to paper submissions. The convenor (proposer) is responsible for reviewing all submitted paper abstracts in order to complete the panel. An open panel proposal should include a title, a description, 1 chair, 1-2 discussant(s). Deadline to Submit Open Panel Proposals: 28 August 2024.
- Closed panel = Closed for paper submissions to the general public (submissions by invitation only)
Pre-organized and complete panel that already has an appointed chair(s) and discussant(s) and 4-6 papers. The panel convenor (proposer) is responsible for sending invitations to the authors (papergivers) and accepting all paper abstracts submitted to the panel. A closed panel proposal should include a title, a description, 1 chair, 1-2 discussant(s) and 4-6 submitted papers. Deadline to Submit Closed Panel Proposals: 5 November 2024
Please familiarize yourself with the guidelines for panel proposals and rules for participation, by clicking here: https://wc2025.ipsa.org/wc/submit-panel. Please also note that:
- The 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science will be a fully in-person event.
- The Call for Papers will open on 10 September 2024.
12Oct 2023
RC03 Publications 2023
13:56 - By Daniela Vintila - Publications- IPSA RC03 Members
New articles!
Aurel Lazăr & Miruna Butnaru-Troncotă (2022) Assessing a decade of Romania-Turkey strategic partnership in an era of ambivalence and ‘De-Europeanisation’, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 22:1, 165-185, DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2021.2024989
Miruna Butnaru Troncotă & Dragoș Ioniță (2022) EU’s ‘Eastern discontents’ – when ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ politicisation collide – the case of Romania in the future of Europe debate, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2022.2076067
16Jul 2023
2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science: List of Panels in the Session RC03 European Unification
11:01 - By Daniela Vintila
Join us for the Panels included on our Session RC03 European Unification at the 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science (session chaired by Daniela Vintila, Sophie Meunier, and Angeliki Konstantinidou)
- RC03.V04 Citizenship, Migration and Access to Rights in the EU
Chair: Dr. Daniela Vintila
17-07-2023 09:00 UTC-3 (1 hour 45 minutes) A
- RC03.05 EU actorness in a Multiplex World: Assessing EU Engagement toward Neighborhood and Overseas Regions
Chair: Mr. Dealan Riga
18-07-2023 09:00 UTC-3 (1 hour 45 minutes) A
SJ1 Aula Magna Cardenal Pironio
- RC03.01 Forecasting European Defense: How the EU Designs Its Response to the Unrest in Its Neighborhood
Chair: Prof. Daniela Irrera
18-07-2023 17:30 UTC-3 (1 hour 45 minutes) E
SJ1 108
- RC03.02 Legal or Political? A Problem of Non-compliance with the CJEU Rulings in the European Union Member States
Chair: Prof. Renata Mienkowska Norkiene
19-07-2023 09:00 UTC-3 (1 hour 45 minutes) A
SJ1 117
12Jul 2023
Elections IPSA RC03 Board- Call for applications
11:53 - By Daniela Vintila
Dear colleagues,
Our IPSA Research Committee RC03 European Unification is renewing its Board. We are therefore calling for self-nominations to fill the six seats that will become available.
Board members are elected for four years. Ideally, they should represent different countries and approaches in our research field. Board members are expected to be actively involved in all RC03 activities, including the organization of panels for the IPSA World Congress during the duration of the mandate.
Should you be interested to stand as candidate for our IPSA RC03 Board, please send us a short (300 words max) biographical statement and rationale for joining the Board (including also your institutional affiliation and contact details). Please send your statement via email to Daniela Vintila (Daniela.Vintila@uliege.be) and Angeliki Konstantinidou (angeliki.konstantinidou@sciencespo.fr) by Wednesday, 26th of July 2023, at 17:00 CEST.
The RC03 Board election for the vacant seats will be held online and the results will be communicated before August 11.
22Nov 2022
CfP 2023 IPSA World Congress- Panel: Legal or political? A problem of non-compliance with the CJEU rulings in the European Union Member States
00:03 - By Daniela Vintila - Call for Papers
Call for Papers for the Panel “Legal or political? A problem of non-compliance with the CJEU rulings in the European Union Member States” organised by Renata Mienkowska Norkiene at the 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science
Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 18th of January 2023
Panel abstract: Studies of the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) have so far focused mainly on the legal analysis of judgments or legal problems related to the question of non-compliance. Meanwhile, in expert and public debates on the condition of the EU and the challenges it has been facing, the role of the CJEU goes beyond the issues of interpreting EU law and the question of non-compliance goes far beyond the legal aspects. The panel has a few purposes: 1) To analyze the impact of CJEU judgments on national constitutional courts, 2) To analyze political significance of the CJEU judgements for the MS from the point of view of polity, policy and politics, 3) To analyze the the dialogue over the CJEU rulings and non-compliance between the EU institutions and the Member States. The panel will contribute to the debate on the political significance of the CJEU jurisprudence for the EU institutions, Member States, and EU citizens, it will also contribute to the analysis of the political reasons and the consequences of non-compliance. The presentation will answer questions about political significance of the CJEU judgements, where approach towards the question of “the political” will be based upon its notion elaborated by Carl Shmitt and modified by Chantal Mouffe.
22Nov 2022
CfP 2023 IPSA World Congress- Panel: Forecasting European Defense: How the EU Designs Its Response to the Unrest in Its Neighborhood
00:01 - By Daniela Vintila - Call for Papers
Call for Papers for the Panel “Forecasting European Defense: How the EU Designs Its Response to the Unrest in Its Neighborhood” organised by Annie Niessen and Cindy Regnier at the 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science
Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 18th of January 2023
Panel abstract: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the migration crisis, and the continued tensions in the Western Balkans have increasingly threatened security on European soil. These security crises have put a lot of pressure on the European Union to formulate compelling and efficient responses—be it in the military, political or economic areas—to build an appropriate defense approach. To formulate such responses, the EU needs models and strategies to both anticipate and legitimize its actions outside of its borders. In this regard, simulations, models, wargames, narratives, and imaginaries are all means of producing knowledge within and about EU defense.
This panel aims to address how the EU designs its various military, political, and economic responses to the unrest in its neighborhood with a defensive objective, how these responses contribute to forecasting a European defense, how simulations and wargames can enhance the anticipation of EU defense policies abroad, and how narratives and imaginaries are mobilized in the legitimation of these policies. With the aim of building bridges between critical and policy-oriented academics, we welcome both analyses of current and prospective defense policies, as well as meta-analyses of what it means to anticipate in times of defense/security crises.
21Nov 2022
CfP 2023 IPSA World Congress- Panel: EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Multiplex Order
23:58 - By Daniela Vintila - Call for Papers
Call for Papers for the Panel “EU Geopolitical Actorness in a Multiplex Order” organised by Dealan Riga at the 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science
Deadline for submitting paper proposals: 18th of January 2023
Panel abstract: In 2019, Ursula Von der Leyen mentioned her intention to lead a geopolitical commission. Since then, the concept of geopoliticization has received increased scholarly attention in research on the new features of European Union (EU) policy-making. However, particular analytical elements such as the one of strategic autonomy still escape the scope of current conceptual toolboxes. This panel aims to examine the shift of EU’s actorness from a normative focus to a strategic one. In exploring the geopolitical reasoning within the EU framework, the panel seeks to contribute to ongoing debates aiming to revisit the concept of actorness in light of new regional and global challenges.
Further research is much needed in this area, especially since the multipolarity framework did not manage to enable scholarly work beyond transatlantic ties. The West remains the dominant unit of analysis when it comes to EU strategic positioning, while the conceptual framework focusing on geostrategy remains ill-equipped to consider supranational networks as units for analysis. Moreover, new geopolitical turmoil such as the war in Ukraine urge further reflection on EU’s strategic capabilities in terms of geopolitical actorness. Yet, as global challenges are increasingly complexifying, researchers have to acknowledge growing fragmentation of global affairs when conceptualising and measuring actorness or its effectiveness.
This panel welcomes contributions considering EU strategies within complex world issues to draft key features of geopolitical actorness. Paper proposals can address different themes that could include (without being restricted to) topics such as: EU’s engagement to systemic rivalries; EU foreign policy in rising geostrategic regions (Western Balkans; Eastern Europe; Indo-Pacific, etc.); EU’s attempts to tackle power diffusion; EU capabilities to foster democratic governance; limits of EU strategic toolbox in the wake of complex challenges, recent developments regarding EU actorness in global politics and governance. The panel welcomes both conceptual and empirical contributions providing either specific case studies or comparative analysis to examine the extent to which EU’s geopolitical actorness is designed to tackle complex world challenges.
20Nov 2022
New Publication: Open Access Book- Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics
00:52 - By Daniela Vintila - Publications- IPSA RC03 Members
New OA book: “Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics: Populism, Disinformation and the Public Sphere”
Editors: Maximilian Conrad, Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, Asimina Michailidou, Charlotte Galpin, Niko Pyrhönen
About this book: This open access book is the product of three years of academic research that has been carried out in the EU-funded Jean Monnet Network on “Post-Truth Politics, Nationalism and the Delegitimation of European Integration” since 2019. Drawing on the multidisciplinary expertise of the network’s members, the book explores the impact of the phenomenon of post-truth politics on European integration and the European Union. It places particular emphasis on how post-truth politics has played out in the public sphere and asks what impact the phenomenon has had on public deliberation, but reflects also on its implications for democracy in a wider sense. This book is primarily written for audiences with an interest in politics and policy making, including academics, policy makers and civil-society actors. Thanks to its accessible style, the book should however also be an asset to wider audiences.
Click here to download the book in PDF
23Oct 2022
Call for monograph proposals - Contemporary European Studies series - Routledge/UACES
00:16 - By Daniela Vintila - Call for Papers
The Contemporary European Studies (CES) series invites early career and experienced academics to submit expressions of interest in the publishing of monographs and edited volumes to its new editorial team.
CES is an internationally-renowned outlet for the publication of first-rate research in European Union Studies. We welcome expressions of interest in all areas of EU research, and would particularly encourage scholars working on feminist perspectives, post-colonial and decolonising approaches, non-European perspectives on the EU, critical security studies, practice theory, and critical international political economy, alongside works on EU institutions, external relations, integration theories, and EU policies, to get in touch.
The editors will consider and provide feedback on all expressions of interest. For further information, please have a look at the submission process and at the proposal guidelines.
21Sep 2022
Call for Proposals RC03 European Unification Session- 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science
05:04 - By Daniela Vintila - Call for Papers
IPSA Research Committee RC03 European Unification is inviting you to submit proposals for our Session at the 2023 IPSA World Congress of Political Science. This international event will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 15-19 July 2023. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to share your work with peers, to learn from other scholars and to meet political scientists worldwide.
Proposals for panels and papers for the RC03 Session can focus on any aspect related to the process of European integration and EU politics. This can include, for instance, topics such as: theories of integration; public policy in the EU; multilevel governance and EU decision-making; the evolution and functioning of EU institutions; democracy, legitimacy and accountability in the EU; electoral politics in the EU; the EU as a global actor; economic and fiscal governance in the EU; rule of law; values and rights in the EU, etc.
The call for proposals is from 20 September 2022 to 18 January 2023. Please visit the World Congress’ website for important details and submission guidelines. You may submit your panel proposals here (please select the Session RC03 European Unification). Deadline for OPEN panels: 1 November 2022. Deadline for CLOSED panels: 18 January 2023. Please note that the Call for Papers will open on 15 November 2022.
02Feb 2022
Vacancy: 3 positions Associate Researcher- Department of Political Science and European Studies, SNSPA, Romania
05:45 - By Daniela Vintila - News and events
The Department of Political Science and European Studies at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania) invites applications for 3 positions of Associate Researchers to work within the interdisciplinary ERC Consolidator Project Transnational Advocacy Networks and Corporate Accountability for Major International Crimes (CORPACCOUNT), led by Dr. Raluca Grosescu.
Period: 3-year fixed contract starting on 15 June 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter
Salary: 1850 Euro Net / month (health insurance, pension, and taxes included).
Calendar: The deadline for submission is 15 March 2022, 5pm CET time. Shortlisted candidates will be noticed by 3 April 2022 and invited for interview to be held on 8 April 2022.
For further details: https://snspa.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Anunt-Web-EN-CORPACCOUNT-Recrutement-3-positions-of-Associate-Researchers.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0O2udh6jYYkD7KsuNSF-ZLHLaISwoJnUnhwMb86nIuXbLlMcvDF4dMs8M
18Aug 2021
Board Members - RC03 - European Unification
06:29 - By Daniela Vintila - Board Members
We are pleased to announce the results of the RC03 Executive Board elections that took place during the 26th World Congress of Political Science.
- Chair: Daniela Vintila (University of Liège, Belgium)
- Vice-chair: Sophie Meunier (Princeton University, US)
- Secretary: Angeliki Konstantinidou (Sciences Po Paris, France)
Executive Board members for the period 2021-2023 (alphabetical order):
- Miruna Butnaru-Troncotă (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania)
- Charlotte Galpin (University of Birmingham, UK)
- Simona Guerra (University of Surrey, UK)
- Aleksandra Sojka (University Carlos III Madrid, Spain)
- Adam Szymański (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Hans-Jörg Trenz (Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy)
- Tamara Tubakovic (University of Warwick, UK)
- Francesco Violi (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK)
- Benjamin Zyla (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Congratulations to the new chair, secretary and our newly elected Board members! We applaud all candidates who took the initiative to run for office. We also take this opportunity to express our immense gratitude to Prof Hans-Jörg Trenz, for his exceptional leadership and dedication as RC03 chair during the mandate 2018-2021.
13Jul 2021
Elections results: new IPSA RC03 Executive Board
01:16 - By Daniela Vintila - News and events
We are pleased to announce the results of the RC03 Executive Board elections that took place during the 26th World Congress of Political Science.
- Chair: Daniela Vintila (University of Liège, Belgium)
- Vice-chair: Sophie Meunier (Princeton University, US)
- Secretary: Angeliki Konstantinidou (Sciences Po Paris, France)
Executive Board members for the period 2021-2023 (alphabetical order):
- Miruna Butnaru-Troncotă (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania)
- Charlotte Galpin (University of Birmingham, UK)
- Simona Guerra (University of Surrey, UK)
- Aleksandra Sojka (University Carlos III Madrid, Spain)
- Adam Szymański (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Hans-Jörg Trenz (Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy)
- Tamara Tubakovic (University of Warwick, UK)
- Francesco Violi (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK)
- Benjamin Zyla (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Congratulations to the new chair, secretary and our newly elected Board members! We applaud all candidates who took the initiative to run for office. We also take this opportunity to express our immense gratitude to Prof Hans-Jörg Trenz, for his exceptional leadership and dedication as RC03 chair during the mandate 2018-2021.
12Jul 2021
2021 IPSA World Congress of Political Science: List of Panels in the Session RC03 European Unification
01:40 - By Daniela Vintila - News and events
Join us for the Panels included on our Session RC03 European Unification at the 2021 IPSA World Congress of Political Science
(session chaired by Hans-Joerg Trenz, Sophie Meunier, and Daniela Vintila)
10-07-2021, 10:00 UTC: Panel “Citizenship and Democracy in Post-Brexit Europe”, chaired by John Erik Fossum
10-07-2021, 10:00 UTC: Panel “Fighting the EU: Exploring Opposition Strategies of the Radical Right in Europe”, chaired by Ben Wellings
10-07-2021, 10:00 UTC: Panel “The Europeanization of Public Debate between Normalization and Polarization”, chaired by Giuliano Bobba
10-07-2021, 13:30 UTC: Panel “EU Impact on State of Democracy in the EU Enlargement and ENP Countries”, chaired by Vadym Zheltovskyy
10-07-2021, 13:30 UTC: Panel “Legitimacy and Governance Implications of the Increased Politicisation and Polarisation of the European Public Sphere”, chaired by Elena García-Guitián
11-07-2021, 10:00 UTC: Panel “National Parliaments and Transnational Democracy in Europe”, chaired by Sima Rakutiene
11-07-2021, 13:30 UTC: Panel “Citizenship and Mobility in the EU: Policies and Practices”, chaired by Daniela Vintila and Angeliki Konstantinidou
12-07-2021, 10:00 UTC: Panel “Nationalist Discourses in Europe beyond Euro-Skepticism and Isolationism”, chaired by Nicole Olszewska
12-07-2021, 13:30 UTC: Panel “Democracy Decline in EU Member States and EU Neighbours: Is the EU Helpless?”, chaired by Adam Szymanski
13-07-2021, 10:00 UTC: Panel “Identity(ies)-Building in the EU: Discourse, Actors and Dynamics”, chaired by Annie Niessen
13-07-2021, 10:00 UTC: Panel “New Directions in the Study of EU Elites”, chaired by Patrick Dumont
13-07-2021, 13:30 UTC: Panel: “Conditions and Compliance in European Integration”, chaired by Sophie Meunier
14-07-2021, 10:00 UTC: Panel “Contesting Europe? The Salience and Framing of European Integration in Partisan Politics”, chaired by John Erik Fossum
15-07-2021, 10:00 UTC: Panel “Mobility and Social Protection in the European Union: Welfare States Under Pressure?”, chaired by Angeliki Konstantinidou and Daniela Vintila
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