Dear colleagues,

Our IPSA Research Committee RC03 European Unification is renewing its Board. We are therefore calling for self-nominations to fill the six seats that will become available.

Board members are elected for four years. Ideally, they should represent different countries and approaches in our research field. Board members are expected to be actively involved in all RC03 activities, including the organization of panels for the IPSA World Congress during the duration of the mandate.

Should you be interested to stand as candidate for our IPSA RC03 Board, please send us a short (300 words max) biographical statement and rationale for joining the Board (including also your institutional affiliation and contact details). Please send your statement via email to Daniela Vintila ( and Angeliki Konstantinidou ( by Wednesday, 26th of July 2023, at 17:00 CEST.  

The RC03 Board election for the vacant seats will be held online and the results will be communicated before August 11.