12Oct 2020
IPSA RC03 European Unification- New Call for Proposals for the 2021 IPSA World Congress Lisbon
08:22 - By Daniela Vintila - Call for Papers
Dear members of IPSA Research Committee RC03 European Unification,
We wanted to inform you that, following the Lisbon World Congress postponement to 2021, an additional Call for Proposals has been released for the 26th IPSA World Congress of Political Science (10-14 July 2021). We would like to invite you to submit new paper and panel proposals for our Session RC03 European Unification. We are interested in new proposals focusing on any topic related to EU politics and the process of European integration. Contributions aiming to address the policy responses of the EU and its Member States to the COVID-19 pandemic are also encouraged. We hope this new Call will give a chance to those who missed the previous submission deadline to participate in the 2021 Congress, while also allowing for new topics to be discussed in the panels submitted to our RC03 Session.
The deadline for submitting new paper and panel proposals is October 20. More details regarding the new Call are available here: https://wc2021.ipsa.org/wc/news/additional-call-proposals-now-open.