RC03 - European Unification

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November 2014

25Nov 2014

CfP Symposium "The Power of the People: the dynamics and limits of social mobilization in South Eastern Europe¨, Oxford, February 27 2015

25Nov 2014

CfP ‘New Perspectives in European Studies: Europeanisation in the EU and the Neighbourhood’

25Nov 2014

‘Democratic Politics in a European Union under Stress’ LSE European Institute 'Perspectives on Europe' public event and book launch

25Nov 2014

CfP "Political Systems in Central and Eastern Europe and Southern Europe – Comparative Studies", 2015 ECPR Joint Sessions

18Nov 2014

Call for Papers – EU politics of memory, Global Governance Programme/RSCAS(EUI) and COST Action IS1203

18Nov 2014

2014 paper prize for early career scholars - CES research network EU integration/Global Political Economy and Comparative European Politics

18Nov 2014

‘Identity and Economic Rationality: Explaining Attitudes towards the EU in a Time of Crisis’ by Simona Guerra and Fabio Serricchio

18Nov 2014

Lecturer in Comparative Politics or International Relations, University of Glasgow - School of Social and Political Sciences

18Nov 2014

Lecturer in Politics, University of Glasgow - College of Social Sciences

11Nov 2014

Call for Papers - Journal | Perspectivas - Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations

11Nov 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS ICEP-2015 13th International Conference on European Processes

11Nov 2014

Call for JCMS Book Review Editors

11Nov 2014

Call for Panels & Papers - UACES 45th Annual Conference

06Nov 2014

Call for Papers - Journal of Advances in Political Science

06Nov 2014

Vacancy: Teaching and Research Assistant in International Politics and European Integration, University of ‪Mannheim‬

06Nov 2014

Professor Carlos Closa, chair of IPSA RC03 on European Unification, speaks at the European Parliament

02Nov 2014

CfP: PSA Quantitative Methods Network Conference on Quantitative Political Methodology