RC03 - European Unification

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15Sep 2014

“Beggars Can't Be Choosers: The European Crisis And Chinese Direct Investment In The European Union” (2014), by Sophie Meunier - Journal of European Integration

Meunier, Sophie. “Beggars Can't Be Choosers: The European Crisis And Chinese Direct Investment In The European Union”. Journal Of European Integration (2014)



Virtually non-existent five years ago, Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) into Europe has surged spectacularly in recent years in an international context of declining FDI globally. While the stock of Chinese FDI in Europe is still minuscule, the flows show the rapidly growing interest of Chinese companies in being present in Europe, both through greenfield investment and through mergers and acquisitions. This surge of Chinese FDI occurred concomitantly to the explosion of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe and the general economic downturn in many countries of the European Union (EU). This paper asks whether the European crisis contributed to the surge of Chinese FDI in Europe. In particular, did this surge occur as a result of an explicit strategy formulated by governments in EU Member States in order to dig their countries out of the crisis? The main argument is that the crisis has provided Chinese investors with two types of bargains: economic bargains due to depressed prices and a greater number of assets for sale, and political bargains due to the lessened political resistance to deals that may have been objectionable in flusher times.

15Sep 2014

“Speaking With A Single Voice: Internal Cohesiveness And External Effectiveness Of The EU In Global Governance” (2014), by Sophie Meunier and Eugenia da Conceicao-Heldt - Journal of European Public Policy

Meunier, Sophie and Eugenia da Conceicao-Heldt. “Speaking With A Single Voice: Internal Cohesiveness And External Effectiveness Of The Eu In Global Governance”. Journal Of European Public Policy 21.7 (2014): 961-979.



Under what conditions does the internal cohesiveness of the European Union (EU) determine its external effectiveness? In a first step, this introduction probes the frequent assumption that the more cohesive the EU presents itself to the world, the more effective it is in achieving its goals. The empirical contributions to this collection, which range from trade to foreign policy, highlight instead three configurations of internal cohesiveness and external effectiveness: internal cohesiveness has a positive impact on external effectiveness; internal cohesiveness has no impact on external effectiveness; and internal cohesiveness has a negative impact on external effectiveness. The international context in which the EU operates, including the bargaining configuration and the policy arena, functions as an intervening variable in these causal links. In a second step, this introduction launches a research agenda aimed at explaining these patterns more systematically and determining the impact of cohesiveness on effectiveness.

13Sep 2014

Call for Papers International Conference on Public Policy 2015, Milan

Call for Papers International Conference on Public Policy 2015, Milan, 1 July, 2015 - 3 July, 2015

Application Deadline: 15 October, 2014 Contact: milan2015@icpublicpolicy.org

List of possible subject categories : 1. Policy process theories 2. Comparative public policy 3. Policy and politics 4. Public, problem and agenda setting 5. Policy formulation and decision making 6. Policy implementation 7. Policy design 8. Policy advice, expertise and evaluation 9. Methodologies 10. Public policy, administration and policymakers 11. Discourse and critical policy research 12. Governance, policy networks and coalitions 13. Gender and public policy 14. Local and multi-level governance 15. Politics, policy and business 16. Specific empirical policy topics (for example, health policy, social policy, environmental policy, etc.) 17. Others

13Sep 2014

Scotland and the EU: Comment by CARLOS CLOSA

Analysis: Scotland and the EU. Comment by CARLOS CLOSA, chair of IPSA RC3


09Sep 2014

Call for Papers ¨Europe by Design: Rethinking Projects and Policies¨, Sciences Po, 8 July, 2015 - 10 July, 2015

Call for Papers ¨Europe by Design: Rethinking Projects and Policies¨, Sciences Po, 8 July, 2015 - 10 July, 2015

Application Deadline: 26 September, 2014


Abstract: The European Union is facing one of its most dramatic crisis, investing economic, institutional, and social aspects of its existence. The crisis has highlighted the fragile foundations of EU’s democracy and has challenged its social cohesion, leading to questioning the idea of Europe itself. The difficulty in overcoming the current impasse has emphasized the inconsistency of the European project itself, dramatically bringing to the fore the question of how the EU has been designed. The issue of how strategies, visions and projects of EU integration are defined has become, consequently, crucial. More than the outcome of a precise political design, the EU itself seems rather the product of the action of economic, political and bureaucratic elites, of pressure and interest groups and of opinion movements that, from the 1950s onwards, have pursued their own visions of Europe, leading to complex and often contradictory policies and strategies. This panel/mini symposium sheds light on the ways in which projects concerning Europe have been shaped and how have been implemented from the beginning of the integration process to present day. From a theoretical, social and historical perspective, it considers a variety of actors operating in complex decision making processes; as well as the processes and the architectures affecting the design of the EU.

The purpose of the panel/mini-symposium is to address questions such as:

· How do infrastructural needs affect visions about Europe? · How does the Internet affect EU political projects and strategies? · Governing by Internet architecture: what kind of European policy in the geopolitical arena? · How did the EU’s institutional architecture affect the responses to the crisis? · How does the perception of economic, political and institutional crisis influence the creation of EU strategies? · What has been and what is the role of Eurobureaucracies in defining projects of European integration? · Does evaluation affect the legitimation of EU’s policies and the strengthening of European integration? · How has the role of intellectuals changed, from the early twentieth century to today, in shaping projects of European integration? · How has the role of politicians, business men, engineers, bankers and bureaucrats impacted on European social and political life? · What impact have the old and new media in defining projects about the EU?

09Sep 2014

Call for Papers Workshop “Political Engagement in the Web.2.0 era. Co-Production in Election Campaigning”, ECPR Joint Sessions 2015, University of Warsaw

Call for Papers Workshop “Political Engagement in the Web.2.0 era. Co-Production in Election Campaigning”, ECPR Joint Sessions 2015, University of Warsaw.

The deadline for submitting paper proposals is 1st December 2014



Political engagement is at the center of political science research, especially concentrating on traditional and non-traditional web based forms of political participation. Debates are emerging surrounding new forms of participation offered by new digital wave era technologies, especially through the participatory opportunities offered by new communication platforms (such as social networks and microblogs).

The aim of the workshop is to cover both aspects of political communication: the supply side - offered by political actors and the demand side – how audiences-citizens are interacting, or indeed want to interact with political actors. The workshop will focus on key questions arising from current studies. How do political actors communicate with their supporters and adversaries within the new communication environment created by platforms allowing for wide dissemination of information? Is there an emergence of new participation patterns among citizens or do digital technologies simply reinforce existing practices? Are traditional forms of political engagement challenged by new online participatory behaviors? Have any new forms of political engagement and participation emerged or are they just replicating longstanding paradigms? If new forms of engagement or participation are emerging, how can they be defined and measured, is the division between traditional and non-traditional, offline and online artificially sustained, or do they now overlap? Alternatively, are the new online engagement possibilities attracting different groups of citizens previously excluded?

09Sep 2014

International Political Science Review (IPSR) - Volume 35, Number 4, September 2014

News - International Political Science Review (IPSR) - Volume 35, Number 4, September 2014

In this issue:

Numerical and policy representation on the international stage: Women foreign policy leaders in Western industrialised systems Sylvia Bashevkin

The dynamics of within-regime stability: Party tenure and economic performance Steven Hall and Misa Nishikawa

Decentralisation and political participation: An empirical analysis in Western and Eastern Europe Nicholas Spina

A cross-national analysis of the guarantees of rights Udi Sommer and Victor Asal

Bringing the military back in: The politicisation of the military and its effect on democratic consolidation Rollin F. Tusalem http://www.ipsa.org/publications/ipsr/volume-35-number-4-september-2014

09Sep 2014

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Global Economic Governance, University of Oxford

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Global Economic Governance University of Oxford

The Global Economic Governance Programme (GEG), a research group co-hosted by the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford wishes to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Global Economic Governance. The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will be an independent researcher in the early stages of his or her career and who wishes and is able to undertake research that has the potential to have an impact on public policy. She or he will work closely with Professor Ngaire Woods (Director of the Global Economic Governance Programme), Dr Emily Jones (Deputy Director) and other senior researchers affiliated with the Programme.

The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Wednesday 1 October 2014.


09Sep 2014

Jean Monnet Postdoctoral Fellowships, European University Institute

Jean Monnet Postdoctoral Fellowships, European University Institute

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) offers one-year Jean Monnet Fellowships (renewable for one more year) to scholars who have obtained their doctorate more than 5 years prior to the start of the fellowship, i.e. 1 September 2015 for the academic year 2015/16. The Fellowship programme is open to post-docs, tenure track academics and those wishing to spend their sabbatical at the Robert Schuman Centre. We invite you to become part of a lively and creative academic community. The Centre offers up to 20 Fellowships a year.

The annual deadline for applications is 25 October .


08Sep 2014

Call for Papers, Panel on "Varieties of capitalism and the Euro crisis", Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2015

Call for Papers, Panel on "Varieties of capitalism and the Euro crisis", Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2015

If you would like to collaborate as a paper giver, please send your abstract by 18 September 2014 to Dr Katja Sarmiento-Mirwaldt (Brunel University): Katja.Sarmiento-Mirwaldt@brunel.ac.uk

07Sep 2014

Call for Papers: 2nd EU Cohesion Policy Conference, 4-6 February 2015, Riga

Call for Papers: 2nd EU Cohesion Policy Conference, 4-6 February 2015, Riga.

Deadline: 31 October 2014


Papers are invited on the following questions and themes which will form the basis for workshop sessions, panel debates and discussion groups at the Conference. :

1. Economic geography and Cohesion policy: how are the economic and social challenges for European Structural & Investment Funds changing? -the implications of the crisis for regional and urban disparities and convergence in Europe -the contributions and limits of Cohesion policy in dealing with the crisis and its legacy -the regional dimensions of Europe 2020 and the scope for the Funds to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth -the role of the funds in addressing youth unemployment

2. Institutions and governance: what can Cohesion policy do to strengthen public administration and effective management of the Funds? -administrative reform, capacity-building and Cohesion policy -strategic management and delivery of Cohesion policy programmes -integration of Funds and policy outcomes -the scope for conditionalities to improve the policy environment for the Funds

3. Performance and results: how can Cohesion policy resources be used most effectively and efficiently? -the achievements of Structural and Cohesion Funds in 2007-13 -the contribution of performance frameworks to transparency and accountability -improving methods for Cohesion policy evaluation

4. Instruments: what kind of Cohesion policy interventions make a difference? -the role of financial instruments in improving access to finance in less-developed regions -the use of integrated investments to promote sustainable urban development -lessons from local and community development for 2014-20 -improving the visibility of results from European Territorial Cooperation programmes and projects

5. EU economic governance and Cohesion policy: what are the implications of governance reforms for Cohesion policy -the relationships between Cohesion policy and EU macroeconomic governance objectives -inter-institutional relations in economic governance and Cohesion policy -scenarios for economic and monetary union and implications for Cohesion policy

06Sep 2014

Book: ¨The Politics of Ratification of EU Treaties¨, by Carlos Closa

Book: ¨The Politics of Ratification of EU Treaties¨, by Carlos Closa

Routledge – 2013 – 212 pages, http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415454896/

Series: Routledge Advances in European Politics

Description: Since its inception, the European Union (EU) has revised its foundational treaties several times, resulting in national ratification processes involving different actors, with varying success. This book focuses on the politics of ratification of EU Treaties and reviews the processes of ratification of EU primary legislation.

Existing research and academic debate on EU constitutional politics have almost exclusively focussed on negotiation of new treaties and their institutional setting. However, this book explains how the result of ratification was achieved, and analyses the strategy that actors pursue across Europe. Ratification of the Treaty of Maastricht and the EU Constitution failed totally, whilst other ratification can be considered partial failures such as the Irish Nice and Lisbon referendums. As the EU Constitution has proved, the ratification process may have deep effects unforeseen during the processes of negotiation. In recent years, ratification has produced some of the most intense debates on national membership of the EU and the EU itself.

The Politics of Ratification of EU Treaties will be of interest to students and researchers of European Studies, European Union studies, European Union Law and European Union Politics.

06Sep 2014

IPSA RC3 Facebook account

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that we have inaugurated a Facebook account for the International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee on European Unification (IPSA RC3): https://www.facebook.com/pages/IPSA-RC3-European-Unification/1508340372717640

Any news relevant for RC03 (such as announcements of publications, forthcoming congresses, conferences, seminars) will be much appreciated. Thank you!

06Sep 2014

Call for Papers Workshop ¨Citizenship, Diversity, Participation and Education in Times of Change¨ ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops 2015

Call for Papers Workshop ¨Citizenship, Diversity, Participation and Education in Times of Change¨

ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops 2015, Warsaw

Deadline: 1 December 2014

Description: A number of social and political changes have recently challenged political legitimacy, which makes citizens’ political interest and participation even more critical. First globalization opens up communications (new media) and networks, changes national and personal identities, and expands the arenas and means of participation. Second, migration increases pluralism, which in turn fuels debates over rights, social inclusion and exclusion, and the means of citizens’ social and political participation. Third, the current financial turmoil has in many countries led to social and political reclassification, poverty and political unrest. Many citizens take it to the streets to address their immediate problems and democratic deficits. Some states experience ethnic rivalry, or separatism. Religious and political extremism is growing among some citizens. Young people continue to find new forms of participation and show a tendency to favour virtual and more occasional involvement. Generally, political interest and conventional participation is declining somewhat, particularly among young citizens. In the situation described above, there is continuous work and growing interest to develop universal human rights for citizens and education for citizenship in all states, particularly in the name of the Council of Europe and the European Council. UNESCO’s member states have also agreed to develop competence, autonomy, and citizenship among all young people. All of these educational efforts are situated in and influenced by the social and political changes and the changing roles of citizens and non-citizens alike. In this joint session we wish to gather scholars who address questions related to the changing conditions for citizens’ social and political life as well as educational attempts to address these challenges and changing conditions for citizenship.


06Sep 2014

New Research project on 'Constitutional Change Through Euro-Crisis Law', EUI Law Department

'Constitutional Change Through Euro-Crisis Law' Project

New Project Website: http://eurocrisislaw.eui.eu/

The project, run by the EUI Law Department and funded by the EUI Research Council (2013-2015), aims to analyze the constitutional implications of Euro-crisis law in the legal system of the 28 Member States. The website collects national reports based on a standard questionnaire and on a wider range of sources, including minutes of parliamentary debates, national laws ratifying and implementing Euro-Crisis law, and case-law of national constitutional or supreme courts, so as to focus on ten main topics:

I. Political context

II. Budgetary Process

III. Changes to Constitutional Law

IV. Early Emergency Funding (including EFSF)

V. 136(3) TFEU

VI. Euro Plus Pact

VII. Six-Pack

VIII. ESM Treaty

IX. Fiscal Compact

X. Financial Support

06Sep 2014

Call for Papers Journal of Contemporary European Research

Journal of Contemporary European Research Vol. 2 No. 1 2016 Application Deadline: 30 September, 2014 Contact: kathryn.simpson-2@manchester.ac.uk

Applications are invited for the guest editorship of a special issue of the Journal of Contemporary European Research<http://www.jcer.net> (JCER) to be published in 2016 (Volume 12, Issue 1) under the general supervision of the JCER editors.

Proposals should clearly relate to the work of the journal. The proposed issue should be for 8-12 articles of 7,000-8,000 words, plus an introductory, contextualising editorial of 3,000-5,000 words.

Proposals should include:

 *   Title of the proposed issue;
 *   Brief statement of the rationale for the issue and how each article relates to that rationale;
 *   Full contact details of the guest editor(s);
 *   Individual article details, including author names, titles and an abstract (300 words max.);
 *   Biography of each contributor (100 words max.);
 *   Schedule of work.

Proposers should indicate how far advanced the project is and whether any manuscripts already exist in draft versions. Please indicate in your submission any demonstrable previous experience of editing, and how you propose to manage the challenges presented by the task.

The successful guest editor(s) will be expected to take on the full editorial task (using the journal's online manuscript management system) up until the handover to copy editors. The JCER editors are available for advice and to ensure that standards are met; it is not their role to edit the special issue.

Editorial tasks of the guest editors include the following:

 *   Suggesting reviewers (2 per paper);
 *   Managing communications with contributing authors and JCER Editors;
 *   Managing revision processes;
 *   Ensuring all contributing authors meet deadlines.

The papers must be reviewed (and revised) according to JCER standards in time to be passed to the JCER editors for final approval prior to publication. Proposers and authors should be aware that this can be a tight timetable to manage and publication will not be delayed to accommodate 'late' articles.

Special issue editors should be prepared to remove contributions from the issue should they fail to meet the required standard or to fit with the vision of the special issue editors. Authors should be made aware of this. The JCER editors reserve the right to reject any articles that do not meet the required standards of the Journal.

Proposals should be submitted to Kathryn Simpson (UACES Student Forum) by the deadline of 30 September 2014. Email to: kathryn.simpson-2@manchester.ac.uk<mailto:kathryn.simpson-2@manchester.ac.uk>.

Proposals will then be considered by a selection panel comprised of members of the JCER Editorial Board and the UACES Student Forum Committee. The decision of the selection panel will be final.

06Sep 2014

Call for Papers Conference on ¨Mobility in Crisis¨, organized by the European University Institute

Call for Papers Conference on ¨Mobility in Crisis¨, organized by the European University Institute

Deadline: 10 September 2014

Description: This conference aims to generate critical debate and new empirical and theoretical knowledge on mobility, or rather mobilities in the European space. The conference questions the nature of mobility. We prefer to speak of mobilities, in the plural (see also Urry 2007, 2002). Mobility is defined as not necessarily spatial, but also virtual, and subjectively experienced rather than only objectively described (as migration from place A to place B or transition from study to work, or from job A to job B). Our theoretical framework is informed by Anthony Giddens’ analysis of modernity and self-identity (1991), as well as Zygmunt Bauman’s notion of liquid modernity (2000, 2007, 2011) and its critiques (for instance Abrahamson 2004, Atkinson 2008, Lee 2011, Beck and Lau 2005). Understanding the seemingly paradoxical picture of spatial 'immobility’ of Europeans or even seeming apathy or inability to either angrily 'voice’ or 'exit’ (Hirschmann 1970) in the face of increasing hardship and decreasing hope, needs to factor in the in-built uncertainty, the liquidity of late modernity. Our reading is open-ended: we question whether the limited spatial mobility of citizens and residents of the EU is a symptom of resistance to the neo-liberal transformation of societies and has a potential for re-embeddedness (re-solidification), or whether it is a sign of defeat: in a world that worships 'travelling light’ as improvement and progress, Europeans are/perceive themselves to be among the settled majority losers, unable to recast themselves as members of the nomadic, extraterritorial elites that Bauman has so poetically analysed. If the crisis has induced both involuntary mobility and persistent sedentariness, the following questions arise: How is this division articulated in terms of socio-economic inequalities and cultural distinctions between mobile and sedentary populations in Europe? How are these divisions politically mobilized and how are they reinforced or modified through regulatory policies? Is the distinction between free internal movement for EU citizens, on the one hand, and immigration control and integration policies for third country nationals, on the other hand, gradually eroding and being replaced by a deeper division between mobile and sedentary populations? Building on these reflections, the conference questions how cultural attachments and social networks assume a central role in defining the social experience and are crucial meso-factors that guide decision-making on spatial as well as socio-economic mobility, even in conditions of 'free movement’ policies within the EU.

More information: http://www.eui.eu/SeminarsAndEvents/Index.aspx?eventid=103127

06Sep 2014

Call for Papers Panel on "Courts, Law and Politics", Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2015

Call for Papers, Panel on "Courts, Law and Politics", Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2015

The panel is featured by an interdisciplinary Law-Politics approach to legal institutions, especially (but not only) courts.

If you would like to collaborate as a paper giver or discussant, please contact Dr. Pablo Castillo Ortiz (University of Sheffield): p.castillo-ortiz@sheffield.ac.uk

06Sep 2014

24th World Congress of Political Science 2016

IPSA is proud to announce the theme of the next World Congress of Political Science, which will be held in Istanbul (Turkey) from July 23rd to 28th, 2016.

Congress theme: ¨Politics in a World of Inequality¨

Stay tuned for future information on the call for papers, important dates and registration!

For further information regarding the 24th World Congress of Political Science 2016, please visit: https://www.ipsa.org/news/news/24th-world-congress-political-science-2016

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